Integrated Amps vs. Separates.

I'm curious what people think the better option is, integrated amp or seperates. It seems that integrated amps are a cost cutting measure, but do they also cut sonic quality? Assuming similiar price ranges, what would people here generally choose. Give me some examples/brands/models and comparisions from your experiences. Thnaks. Carter p.s. Is the Krell KAV 300i really the king of integrateds like many reviewers say (i.e not only better than all other integrated amps but better than most seperates)?
integreted is a very convenient way to go but after having tried various units the krell included I still find all a bit lacking especially in the area of depth or should I say the lack of a 3d soundspace just too flat sounding to me I wish they did surpass separates but so far not quite yet but close
Jules, so you are saying no integrated can match any set of separates? The person who started this thread asked, "given similiar price ranges". I must not be making my point clear in the other posts. If you have a budget, lets say $4000, I am saying there is the possibility, you could purchase a integrated that would outperform $4000 worth of amp and preamp. Is that clearer? Now if you have NO budget, your best performance will come from separates. The availabilty and choices are clearly in favor of separates, but there is a surge in the manufacturing of integrated amps and selection is getting better everyday, especially in the high-end arena.
Jules, you sure are generalizing in this area. I have found most of the better tubed integrated I have heard(AR, Bel Canto, Bryston, CJ, Cary, Classe, Electrocompaniet, Jadis, MF, Rowland, VAC, YBA, etc.) to not be compromised in terms of soundstage/depth/whatever. We are entering a new golden age of integrateds. In my opinion, they surpass(overall) the separates of just of few years ago. I also feel that the Europeans are producing better sounding equipment than the American/Canadian faction. Producing lower power, but stellar sounding products. Perhaps, in response of the demand over there.
After much research, IMO, in the $3,000 price range, Integrated is definitely the way to go. Or else possibly used separates. My recent short list looked a LOT like Trelja's list above. I wound up getting a new Cary sli80 'signature'. There is no "compromise" when buying an integrated these days in that pricerange. All those amps mentioned above are wonderful pieces. No, you can't upgrade the pre, etc..., but the facts of perfectly matched impedance, 1 power cord, no interconnects,.. short signal path etc, are good things to remember. Also, these amp designers nowadays know how to arrange things, there's no reason a well designed integrated won't have as good of a soundstage etc as separates. These are old prejudices and they stem from the fact that for so many years, until recently, integrateds WERE 'budget'/compromised units. Not any more. There's actually a lot of positives to integrateds, and there are some negatives to separates. Now, I'm not going to make any sort of blanket statement in either direction, BUT, it is my opinion that separates actually have to cost more to sound as good as one of the integrateds listed above. In this 'golden age' of integrateds, if you go with separates, you just wind up paying more money for the luxury of swapping out your pre, fooling with expensive wires, etc.
take it easy guys I stated in My experience I prefer separates I did not mean to offend anyone this is all a matter of taste for convenience yes I think they are wonderful but to my ears they cannot beat separates but they are getting very close