Integrated or Amp/Preamp combo for Magnepan 1.7

Hi All - currently using a W4S 250W/channel integrated amp with fairly new Magnepan 1.7s and thinking I can do better. The sound is a bit bright and I'm wondering if a different integrated or amp/preamp combo would help. I've searched the forums and haven't found a lot of specifics. I'm considering, thanks to a fellow Agoner, something like an older Audio Research Pre or CJ pre with a solid state amp (Pass or others). I would prefer an integrated amp, but separates may be the way to go. Hegel, SimAudio or tube integrated are under consideration. I have a small square room ( roughly 11 x 11 ) and I mostly listen to classical, jazz and classic rock. Budget would be around $3000. Thanks for any suggestions.
Thank you both for your response(s). Davide256 - Source is either a Clearaudio Concept with Jolida Phono Pre or MacMini with Eastern Electric DAC. I notice glare/brightness using both. I've tried swapping the maggies, but not turning them backwards. I will look into both of your suggestions. I'm considering an Odyssey for the SS amp, but not sure that is the way to go.
Sounds like you are worried about wattage... don't be. In your price range consider the Rogue or the Prima Luna integrateds. Tube amps rarely irritate like solid state amps can and can help tame irritations from other components. I don't miss the greater wattage my Musical Concepts modded Hafler had... I hear more interesting things with tube amplification.
I am a Magnepan and Hegel dealer. We have recently set-up over ten systems pairing the 1.7's with the Hegel H70 or H100 integrated amps. At $3k, the H100 would be at your price point. It is quite a step above the H70. It will not clip, even driven wide open, due to its "Sound Engine" technology. Just thought I'd chime in and let you know what I believe to be a great combo at a nice price point.
Thank you Everestaudio for your thoughts. I see a H200 on Agon now, just above my price. Might be a good option as well.
I am about to purchase new Mag 1.7's ....
Right now, I am considering the modified Jolida hybrid tube DAC for $750 ...
I am seeking bang for the buck tube preamp ...
I have a 25 watt Class A tube amp ...
1> Is the Jolida DAC a right choice for the Maggies?
2> What is the best sound per dollar tube preamp for the Maggies?
3> Do I need a power source such as the PS-1?
4> What cables are the best bang for the buck?
5> Do I need to modify the Maggies with better fuses for the tweeters like some recommend?