Integrateds: Warm sounding SS vs Hybrid

I have recently had Bryston B60 and Unison Unico amps. They each had their strengths. Overall I liked the Unico better, its more forward, fuller sound and a wider soundstage, due to its tube preamp. However, I wasn't enamored with the tube hiss I was getting, I realize that there might have been a problem with the amp, but I have read about others having this problem. With no music playing, or very quiet passages in classical music, the hiss could be heard from the listening position6-8 feet away.

I have read reviews of some SS amps where their sound is described as "tube-like".

My questions are:

1) Has anyone who had owned tubed gear heard a SS integrated that sounds like tubes?

2) Was my experience with Unison tube hiss likely due to faulty gear/tubes, etc?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I just added a McIntosh c2300 tube preamp to my Mc 402 ss power amp. The power amp was already smooth but the tube pre gives it that tube sound. Just really nice if you want the tube sound without the maintenance that comes with a tube power amp. I've read where people say the amp is where you get the sound but my experience and ears say otherwise.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

I should mention that I would prefer the integrated to have a remote, for volume at least. So the Jungson and the Plinius seem to be best suggestions thus far.

I am reitcent to go all tubes at this point, thus the hybrid seems a good way to go; but there just aren't many hybrid units.

From preliminary resonses, it seems that the Unico should have had that loud a hiss and its tubes or something else was faulty.
How about a BAT VK-300x SE integrated? Hybrid design and remote control, check one out if you can. If the BAT is too pricey, try a Marantz PM11-S1. Not a hybrid, but a good sounding integrated with a remote for less $$$.

Happy hunting,

i'll echo jwarmbrand and brawny's suggestions - Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2, and it comes with a remote. you don't even need a hybrid as it already sounds like a fine tube amp but with the bass weight and articulation of the best solid state gear. If you want mix in tubes, add the RWA Isabella preamp, and the built-in dac option is amazing as well! You'll be totally off the grid on battery power, but it might be outside your budget. In that case, a 30.2 integrated will do the trick. with a 30 day trial period you cant go wrong!


looking at the REd WIne Sig 30.2 .... only one source input? So I couldnt use with both my CD and phono?