interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?

Like the subject line says, I am curious what others think in terms of whether interconnects, speaker cable or power cords make the biggest difference when it comes to noticeable sound improvements, or are they all equally important?  I am thinking of upgrading them all and am trying to decide how to allocate spending.  Thanks in advance.
@dave_b Sure, it's the stock cord that came with your Krell. 

Everyone, I heard an interesting presentation recently from Josh Clark -Lead Product Designer at Transparent Cable. An attendee asked "If I can't afford to add your cables to all my system at once, where is the first place in my system to invest?" The reply was the interconnect between source and preamp. I thought that was notable advice from an articulate and well informed source. Cheers,
it is notable advice from a guy who sells cables

if a double blind test shows significant differences from interconnects then somebody really effed up the design of your components

if a double blind test shows significant improvements from speaker cables then you most likely have a speaker with unusual impedance match requirements ("not that there is anything wrong with that")

if you like your speaker cables then you can keep your speaker cables

if a manf. went to a lot of trouble to design a high cost component then it makes perfect sense that they would eff up the sound with a crummy cheap power cable, .... right???
The PC was from a Sony high end TV...does everything right and doesn't screw up the frequency balance or roll anything off!!  Had lots of Transparent including Gen 5 Reference.  Results were, how do I put this nicely...lackluster.  Their best stuff was the XL and spacious with crazy detail and liquidity.
It makes no sense to me, but power cables have made the most difference in my system. Easily.  Inner connects next, then speaker cables. This is the exact opposite of what I would expect, but there you are. And, power cables made much more difference I n my sources and preamp than in my amps themselves.  This could be because I have class d mono blocks (bel canto). When I had other solid state amps, I never changed power cables because I couldn't imagine it would make any difference.  Wrong.