Inventory of vinyl - what software do you use?

I am finally going to inventory my records this winter, or so I hope. I am wondering what software applications other Audiogoners use for this task. A specialized vinyl inventory program? MS Access or other database program? Also, what categories do you find most useful to keep a record of, besides Artist and Album name, condition of vinyl, record label, etc.?

I am not looking forward to this task but it is necessary, I think. I have been putting it on the back burner for way too long, out of pure laziness. I would like user-friendly software, with the ability to sort by field.

Please tell me what you use!

I must give my full support to the above mentioned 'CD Trustee'. This is as easy and acturate, as it gets. Saves a lot of time, with very little typing.
An "already been done" list containing many existing titles would obviously save a ton of redundant data entry.

I agree with those who recommended Access (or any relational DB) over Excel. It's not much harder to learn Access than a spreadsheet, and the functionality is far superior for this kind of task.

If I were going to do this I'd search for existing programs with lots of preloaded titles that can be downloaded into Access. Best of both worlds.

Or just put them away in order and then you can always find what you're after! ;-)
Certainly Access is a much more robust program than Excel as a relational database. I taught myself both programs long ago because I needed them in school and, later work. I've yet to find a softwater package in which I had an interest that I could not kick beat senselss in time. But, if you don't want to spend that time to learn and are more of a click and go person, the CDTrustee software is a cheap and effective alternative. Cheaper than buying Access or Excel off the shelf, too! (But, does anyone actually buy those programs?) ;-)
Larry, why do so many of your posts simply say .bookmark.? Is it a way to infer to others that the thread is of sufficient interest toi bookmark, or does Audiogon automatically place that line when someone bookmarks a thread? I ask because yours are the only posts where I have seen this.