iPod/iPhone Audio Quality


I'm looking for a site or sites that break down the audio quality for the iPods and the (gasp!) iPhone. I did some searching but I thought I'd ping this group as well to, well, hopefully cut to the chase.

Pass on your links!


Ag insider logo xs@2xjwynacht
Sorry...I meant the quality of the player itself. Assume that all of my music is in some sort of lossless format, which it is ;-)

And this is for the player itself, not connected to a stereo.
Assuming lossless or uncompressed files and a good set of headphones, you'll get very good, but not great, sound out of the iPod. I do agree with Sfar that the iPod's DAC and amp are the limiting factors in its sound. I know I must be in a small minority considering how many people use the things, but I find the iPod's sound very fatiguing, even at low volume. I've used Etymotic ER4Ps, Grado SR 60s, Sennheiser 280 Pros, and AKG 501s with mine, plus the stock earbuds, and it's the same. I've spent a year wishing I enjoyed it more, but right now I'm planning on selling my 30G.

I should note that some iPod modders exist out there and that a good headphone amp can help, so you might pursue those routes. If you can, borrow one and see how you like it--it is convenient, and that can be a big selling point, especially if you travel. Re the iPhone: it doesn't have much disc space, so you won't fit many lossless songs--if you want good sound quality, go for the storage space of the iPod Classic.
I find the sound of the nano and shuffle on anything but rock and roll to be fatiguing. But the 80 gig classic with lossless sounds great to me on classical.

One key is that I use Westone 2's which are NOT hot in the treble, definitely offer a more natural treble. I had a chance to test a variety of high end in-ear phones at a show and I found several of the high end ones, which did sound wonderful to me, might not be the best match for a iPod in that they were too revealing in the treble. For example I felt that way about the Shure 420 and 530 (but not the sure 210 and 310). This is based on just a few minutes testing so take it with a grain of salt, but, I'd rephrase your question to be not just about the iPod itself, but about teh full package: iPod, earphones, choice of music, bit rate, etc.

Rewine is excellent idea.if you get a chance to hear the Redwine 3 amp with some speakers that will sing with 30 SS watts it's something special.Also Vinny mods the Olive server.All good products.I never know what to make of these questions because until, they make a recording format that will not crash like HD or c go bad like many CD-R's do within 4-10 years it's only game in town.Think they are fun adjuncts to LP's and punched CD's but are prone to fail.But getting laptop,filling up now inexpensive Hard Drives and using uncompressed,lossless formats are fund adjuct.Makes me think that embedding a HT receiver that can accept USB (and gives many decoding choices that with separates is hard to keep up on) makes sense.Or Wifi it like with Olive server.