Is an IPOD hi-fi?

A guy on another website said he pluged his ipod into his big rig and it sounds the same as his main CD player. I told him he had serious issues with his system if an ipod sounds like a good CD player but I'm just guessing, I don't have an ipod. Any comments?

Don't get me wrong here - I applaud the crap out of Steve Jobs. He had a vision of what to appeal the masses and has sold it to death at the expense of others. This is marketing genius at its very best. Roughly only about 1 percent or less of us can be called audiophiles, so that gave him 99 percent of music lovers go to after and he made it and big time. Hell I wish I had thought up this idea myself. Never would have thought the masses would embrace the I Pod in the numbers it has, and to think his bare bones cost in these things is about $25.00 and they sell for WHAT???? Way cool man, now thats entreprenauership at its best. He should get a Nobel prize or something.

And remember the words of Adolph Hitler: The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

And to Audphile1, many thanks and I am most humbled beyond my wildest expectations.
The iPod is a toy, but it's one of the best audio toys EVER. Thousands of songs in the palm of your hand organized the way you want to hear them. Just because it's popular doesn't mean it's bad.

BTW, it's not really an audiophile toy, but it can certainly sound better than than any boom box/portable CD player/Walkman type device. As a mass appeal item it represents substantial audio quality progress.
Time for the blind test to rear its ugly head, with uncompressed files quality cables and good DAC I am confident many would not pass the test.
And remember the words of Adolph Hitler: The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

I seem to be missing something here: what "Lie" are the masses falling to in the case of the iPod?! What has Apple, and or Steve Jobs done to make you see fit to fit them in to a reference to Hitler? I'm serious...can you explain what it is specifically that you are objecting to? Your previous references are inflamatory at best, with the possible exception of the simple statement, "'s not for me," which is perfectly clear. I can understand that it's not for you, but what makes you believe so strongly that it's not for anyone else, and or that the masses have been brainwashed into buying some kind of poisoned snake-oil? Or are you just trolling the Internet seas?

To:Seandtaylor99 , I have no idea what the encoding was. The units were being demonstrated at a Best Buy or Circuit City or some box store I was in. A very hot latino gal came up to me and popped the ear phones in. She had me and the sale until she turned it on, like finger nails across a chalk board man. So naturally I let her do her thing and she played everything from classical,rock,jazz,gospel, you name it,it was on the I-Pod. To bad it sounded like crap. But as far as the encoding was, I have no clue. But one would think If your trying to sell a product one would use the best format.

One thing for sure, I'll won't forget her, till they plant me 6 feet under. Hopefully I can stab out the sound of that thing in my mind, before I die.