Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Tvad, sounds very cool, a family connection to your hobby that you can look at every day. Great stuff!

There is one last thing that I like about turntables. As machines, I find them to be quite beautiful. So many of the machines of today have the mechanisms hidden within them, anonymous black boxes, appliances really. Turntables are pretty much right out there; the mechanism is there to behold and enjoy. Deconstructivist, by nature. Kind of like that visible human body model that we all built as kids. Not to make too much of it, but in some philisophical way, it is both an anachronism and futuristic all at the same time.
Whether it's a 1968 Corvette L-88 or 2007 Corvette Z-06, which is best for you is a personal decision.
Audiofeil (Threads | Answers)
I sometimes miss my Guldstrand modified 2002 Corvette convertible. :(

Damn thing had a leaky seal between the top and the window, so it had to go...

Talk about beautiful design, though!
One of the things that appeals to me about vinyl is the amount of time it takes. Cleaning, set up, etc. It gets my attention out of whatever else is/was going on and by the time the music plays I am fully ready for it. A little bit of mindfullness never hurt.
The only thing that is certain about this subject is that it has been done many times before, and usually ends up in mud slinging. It is necessary to provide information to newcomers, so I suggest that two "white papers" be written each discussing in a rational way the pros and cons of the two media, one written from each point of view. Then, each time the topic is posted Audiogon should put up the two white papers, and close the thread to comments. Some provision should be made for the white papers to be occasionally updated.
Eldartford-There is only one problem, digital continues to get incrementally better and vinyl is getting exponentially more expensive. Vinyl also appears to get more cumbersome in its infinitetesimal adjustments. This invites vinyl-files to have the temperment of an irate postal worker.(-:)

I think the usual argument is objective test of which is better. This is more subjective argument of is it worth it.