Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
+++ So long as we are really only talking about which format can produce the highest quality sound we have nothing to argue about. +++

Newbee, that isn't the topic of the thread. Superiority of vinyl was accepted but rejected as a medium because of inconvenience.

+++ For me, that is all audio is really about, giving us pale but often satisfying sonic images of what a live performance might be like if we could attend. +++

My, that is sad. I don't claim my system can produce an identical reproduction of the real thing, but it sure gets me 'there'. Not pale at all.

+++ Do post about music. The one thing this hobby really needs is an infusion of enthusiasm for music, especially jazz and classical. +++

The best live performances I have attended has been in my own home as an audience of one. And that is not something I care to share.

"Newbee, that isn't the topic of the thread. Superiority of vinyl was accepted but rejected as a medium because of inconvenience."

I have not rejected vinyl. Just wondered if it is worth it. Obviously some think it is, some don't. This isn't little league where eveyone gets to play. Somebody has to be right, somebody wrong. You can buy a ticket to whatever show you like.
Pauly, your comments are insulting. Absolutely, unquestionably and undeniably insulting. To suggest that anyone not willing to commit to analog music reproduction cannot be truly passionate about music is completely without merit.

What a disgusting and elitist point of view.
Gregadd, So long as I can still be considered one who loves music, if I had to choose one format it would be vinyl. But I would never have voted nor even participated but for Pauly's voting me and others like me out of the 'music lovers' club because we did not worship analog sufficiently for him.

Ironically though I recently put away my vinyl system (Oracle/Benz/ARC SP10) because the majority of music I wanted to hear was on CD's and not on LP. My LP's were culled down to less than 400 keepables, most of which were kept for 'reference' and nostalgia, and my CD's well over 5000. My interest in new music didn't stop when they stopped recording in analog. Just didn't have room any longer for both systems. The only thing that the two systems had in common was the speakers. And, FWIW, they both sounded pretty fine IMHO.

I voted! I'm committed! Everybody happy? :-)
Hey cut Pauly some slack! He's only got into vinyl this century and he's still in the neophyte "I can't believe how good this sounds" stage. Give him some time and there is a chance that he might evolve to a more tolerant and open minded state of mind. I can only interpret his extreme statements in this post as a sign of his current immaturity. Remember, there was a time when all of us thought we knew everything.