Is analog & vinyl anoying? Is it worht it.

Yeah it may be better than digital. But come on. 3K+ for a cartridge. Cleaning machines. Preamps. VTA adjustments. noisy records. expensive software. By the time you get it all set up you are ready to just turn on the tv and watch Sportscenter. Is there any alternative?
Hey, I finally get to agree with El on something! A record is a an analog mechanical representation of sound. Sound is converted to electrical energy by a transducer, the microphone. A mechanical respresentation of the electrical waveform is then engraved on vinyl, by another transducer, the cutterhead, and another transducer, the cartridge, then converts this mechanical energy back to electrical energy, which is then converted back into sound waves by yet another transducer, the loudspeaker. So no there isn't a lot of converting going on with sound reproduction that never leaves the analog domain.
Eldartford..... I am not digiphobic, I actually own a cd player AND a dvd player, and yes I am aware of digital mixing AND mastering. At the end of the day, I listen to vinyl more than I listen to cd's because I like it. I like listening to cd's to, I'm not afraid of them. My previous post was a simple observation, take it how you wish, if you read deeply enough into it to see 'digiphobia' then so be it.
And yes Viridian, I agree with you as well, However let's not leave the master tapes out of the equation! :-)
Only thing my TT is missing is an analog to digital converter, so I can run it thru my DAC, and 'smooth out the sound' a bit!
Hxt1, no need to apologize for vinyl. i no longer listen to cd's, it is vinyl or sat radio. soon there will be better servers and better means of receiving, but to me cd's are a dead issue. i never liked ipods or mp3's either. high bit rate streaming video and music next future, but untill then it remains vinyl! the set up, treatment and handling of vinyl is part of the ride. oh and Eldartford is just jealous. so enjoy.
" is vinyl or sat radio..."
Why hasn't sat radio brought back the high end tuner. ?