Is Coincident Statement Phono pre-amp an overkill

Is it an overkill for my Clearaudio Concept TT and Concept MM cartridge.

I am a new to Analog but clearly its going to be my #1 source of listening pleasure I know already.

Should I start the safe route of picking up an EAR 834P and then going up the chain.

What are your views on this phono stage in general is it worth the money, I have a chance to get one at 25% off retail, which for this phono as I understand never happens, have not seen this phono in Audiogon ever in the last 6 months of looking everyday.
I would assume the Coincident Statement Preamp does not become available on the used market as it's owners are very happy. Every member here, who uses one, gives very glowing testimonials! Put the horse (pre) before the cart. Get the best Preamp and then match accordingly.
I agree with Isochronism, owner enthusiasm is very high for this product.
It you can get this for 25 % off that's very unusual. It's considered to be world class level, I'd go for this rare opportunity.
If indeed the stage is that rare to get on sale, then why not try it out--resale should be a breeze? Note that it won't work with your present cart, since the gain is too high. But if you want to play at this level, you'll want to get a better cart anyways, so put that in the budget.

So, to answer your first question: yes, it would be overkill.
Thanks for your advice Charles1dad.

Thanks Banquo363 for your answer.

Whats the budget for a cart that might match this amp ?

I know the world of cart is a big one, and hard to answer without experience, but as a beginner whats a first stab at a cart that would start to do justice to this pre-amp. I need to figure that out, so that I can plan my budget.

even 4.5K for this amp, might be a stretch for me, but might be worth it, given the step-up I experienced after getting a Coincident amp.