Is high-end audio dying, if not dead already???

Without sounding like the mad prophet of the airwaves, I think high-end audio is in its death throes. I would like to hear other opinions on this issue, but I think it is time to raise the question and also some hell as to what is happening to the high end audio and audio in general.

Here's why: Most of the major audio publications spend a great deal of time on romancing the "absolute" fidelity of computer audio and music that is digitally processed. On the other hand, you have critics, reviewers, celebrating the comeback of vinyl, analog, and turntables. The mantra goes: "it really does sound better, like real music", so chuck out your CD player, and buy a $5000 analog rig, and have fun again cleaning, preserving (a medium) searching record huts worldwide for pristine vinyl gems. Maybe, there are some shellac gems out there also

It seems the CD format has "OUTLIVED" its usefulness in the pursuit of the absolute sound because its technology and soft ware has never convincingly improved. It is like the BB King tune "the thrill is gone" or saying kids let's just change the channel for something more exciting and new.

High-end audio seems to now ( as the old joke goes)require a degree in engineering or rocket science to understand the circuitous (bad pun) route to audio nirvana. Equipment has gotten more expensive over the last 15 years, under the pretext that the electronic functions have increased and become more complicated. Take a look at the back of a 5 channel receiver or amp, or home theater receiver, a digital processor, etc. and you will see the future of audio. It might be easier to hook up a heart and lung machine.

Ironically, as high end audio and audio in general evolves, the music industry delivers more shit to the public's ears, Geez, I never knew that in order to really enjoy Shakira, JZ, Pharell, and the rest of the talentless trash discovered and pushed by American Idol, The Voice,and the popular Mega media, would require hearing it in absolute sound.
A lot of the high-end is about ego. I can afford it and you can't. Similar to someone spending 300k on a Ferrari when you can buy a new corvette for 80k and it will keep up with the ferrari and possible be quicker.
At a certain point it's about what you like. But I would never compare a corvette to a ferrari.
The high end is good for helping determine what is and is not possible at any cost and using that to establish a reference sound.

Once you know what that is , then I find that there are practical ways for most to achieve it in most cases with a little investment in time and knowledge as much as in buying stuff.

In many cases, with the kinds of rooms most people have to deal with, there is a tendancy to always go bigger becasue that is perceived as needed or better. Sometimes, smaller works best. It should always cost less to do good sound on a smaller scale than on a larger one. I think that is always true in all cases. SO its useful to keep in mind that bigger is not always better, even though on paper it may always appear to be.
Taters, Amem.
Case in point, when Mercedes first came to USA they sold cars for what they sold for in Germany. Couldn't give them away, pulled out of US market.
Few years later came back in selling them for twice the German price, rest is history.
P. S. having owned several they are less reliable than a Ford or Chevy and cost 3x to maintain.