Is Hype About Forthcoming NC400 Based Amps Worthy

I've read great praise for the Hypex N-Core Class D amp modules and some mighty hyped praise and major claims regarding the "superior nature" of some NC400-based amps that are currently under development by some key designer/developers (e.g.: supposedly better than major league class A A/B designs...). I wonder if the hype is actually worthy from a consumer standpoint rather than a marketing/promotional standpoint...

I wonder if a $2,500 NC400-based amp design can actually best a moderately-priced class A/B solid state amp design - as purported by recent claims within the industry (i.e.: would a $2,500 NC400-based class d amp be a sonic upgrade to a relatively new designed $6,000 solid state Class A/B amp...)?

This is a pertinent question if one is considering an amp upgrade today...Is it reasonable to assume that waiting up to a year for the release of some of these NC400-based amps will be worthwhile (i.e."is the hype too good to be true?")

The NC400 modules are only available to individuals, the NC1200 modules are used in some soon-to-be released commercial amps.

I assembled a pair of NC400 amps for less than $2000 and they out-perform any other amp I have heard in my system. For that, and things like size, heat and power use make these something special.

I will have a pair of commercial NCore NC1200 amps within a month as they are currently being built.

Ben, first there two versions, one is a DIY and the other is OEM. The NC400 is "ONLY DIY" and can not be built and sold by ANY OEM. The NC1200 is the one and "ONLY OEM" and is only sold by OEM manufactures. I have heard both and can say that the DIY NC400, if it is properly assembled and some think they have, it is worthy of the hype. I say some think they have because after they have assembled it they complain that it does not sound right or special and are so sure they assembled it right only to find out that they made a mistake and after making that correction now the amps do sound great. Now that does not mean they are meant for everyone as we all have our own tastes. Now the OEM NC1200 is, can be, in a whole other league. A say can be because it will depend on how the OEM implements it. The one I heard (Veritas by Merrill Audio) is definitely worth going out of your way to demo. I have no financial interest in Merrill Audio or Hypex who makes the NC400 and NC1200 or any other Audio OEM. So my humble opinion is based on an Audiophile who has heard one of the rare products that gives you that WOW moment. For me, has only happened a couple of times over 35 years.

You must know a few things in order to hear them properly.
1) Do not plug them into a power conditioner. It is a rare power conditioner that will not hinder them in some way so first plug them into the wall outlet.
2) They are sensitive to power cords. That does not mean that you must use expensive cords, far from it. The Veritas play very well with Triode Wire Labs cables. So experiment if they sound closed in. With the right PC they will have a HUGE stage, etc.
3) If they are in a light weight box use anti vibration footers. Was tried with a group of audio skeptics and all heard the improvement. Go figure.
4) DO NOT TURN THEM OFF. Leave them on and give them time to warm up and settle in. AND LEAVE THEM ON. they only use about as much as a night light when not in use. And will sound great when left on. Have I made my point.
5)If DIY, well even OEM, use quality parts. These are worth the investment, you will get it back in better sound.
6) If you do not have the system to hear the Huge gains you may only hear a small improvement. I have seen some really nice systems only to be held back by poor source components or another weak link in the system. So make sure it is not something in YOUR system. And that goes to demoing any equipment.

I hope you (and others) have a chance to hear these for yourself. Again like great food these may or may not be to your taste.