Is Jim Smith's Book"Get Better Sound"Best Book ?

Recently, I sent for a copy of Jim Smith's book " Get Better Sound" @48.50 delivered. Since I started reading Jim's viewpoint I have made significant improvements to my listening room. What about you ? For those that have read the book , please express your viewpoint pro or con.
Unbelievable benefits from just a couple tips!

Reluctantly, I finally moved my equipment rack from between the two loudspeakers to a side wall. Wow, to say the least. The difference is nothing short of an upgrade to higher performance loudspeakers. The "imaging" is the best I've heard from my system!

Every tip that I have tried (i.e speaker placement, grid mapping, leveling speakers & moving the rack) improved my system's sound more than I would have ever expected! I would not have been able to improve my system this much by simply replacing my equipment components!

The prior audio related books I've purchased have been good to very good but Jim's book is the best for system tweaking, by far! Even very experience audio warriors should consider trying the above mentioned tips as well as the power related tips.

Many thanks to Jim. I owe you big time!

Its well worth the money - as several folks have pointed out we regularly piddle away much more on much less.

What I like is that it provides a methodology and a structure within which to work. And doing it all is in fact work - the kind of work that makes this such an interesting and rewarding hobby.

Put another way, if you have dumped what for you personally is a significant amount of money, here is a chance to avoid reinventing the wheel by yourself.
Ckorody, I am in agreement with your analysis.

I have dear friends who think nothing of spending a fortune on the newest gear but shun reading "Audio" books . Some get caught reinventing the wheel ; I follow the guidence in Jim Smith's book & put what I own to better use. That grants me greater pleasure and money in the pocket for less than the cost of a few CD's or new LP's.
I learned a lot by reading the book. The biggest sonic improvement was the result of his tip to buy a laser measuring device to confirm that each speaker was exactly the same hieght, that each speaker was toed-in exactly the same degrees and that each tweeter was exactly the same distance to a spot on the wall centered behind my listening chair. The improvement in image focus, clarity and soundstage dimensions was worth far more than the cost of the book. It is an excellent reference.
As I incorperate more of Jim's views into my audio-room , the more musical satisfaction I derive. Frankly, I'm amazed. What's more amazing are the origins of the book. Jim suffered a terrible car crash. During his painful recovery , the book took shape in his mind. By the end of the recovery period (1 year), the first transcript was finished. From such physical pain comes such a helpful book. That's amazing.