is Lessloss signature that much better than orig?

only just got Lessloss original for 1 week, and it's been a decent upgrade so far, I'm planning to get more lessloss, am wondering if signature that much better, if it's night and day different than i will give them a try or I'm more than happy just original.
I'm always wary of the "different" sound that is not "better."

I bought an original because I was doubtful about how much a difference a power cable would make in my system, and didn't want to outlay so much money for a signature as a trial cable.

The usual break-in period passed with my noting the apparent ease of the sound of the original.

So I began reading about the signature, and thought the upgrades discussed made sense.

Both the original and the signature "do no harm." Both have a natural and easy sound from the beginning.

But the signature's mods touch the heart of the upgrade, and appear to me to work so naturally that whether I looked at the bass, the highs, or the mid-range, everything was more open and musical.

I listened to them with Indian ragas, Tudor choirs, chamber music, symphonies, pop, and jazz. The signature is better than the original in a way that I find remarkable.
I agree that signature is much better than original. I have had 2 originals and update to 4 signatures (update Synergistic T2 and T3 pre and power ARC). Before my conclusion I listened both for a time. Nglazer and Arelef are right.
Yes, I am from Hong Kong.

I have been using Lessloss Original for Reference digital Controller Meridian 861 via Shunyata V-ray Conditioner and Shunyata Python Helix for my Audio Research Ref2 MKII pre-amp and again via Shunyata V-ray.

When I bought 2 LessLoss Signature wires recently from Lessloss and conducted with my friends ( 7 of us) last Friday, we all concluded that :-
Sorry that my Original Lessloss was easily KO by Signature when Meridian 861 was connected.
The improvement was immediate & obvious: more quiet, better freq extension, wider & deeper soundstage, better dynamics...etc.
Then I used the second Signature to connect to ARC Ref2 MKII to replace the Shunyata Python Helix, oh God, the improvement was also very significant and both wires now cannot be disconnected from my system.

My friend took my Original home for their audition in turn so I decided to place the order for the rest of my set up, Accuphase Power Amp. , Wadia CD transport & JMLab Twin 6e active centre speaker i.e. to place a firm order of another 3 Signature wires from Lessloss on the next morning, last Saturday after the group audition here in Hong Kong.

In fact, it breaks my records of buying 5 power cables within a week's time as Signature can speak of its own for its strength and tell you the difference in your system so upgrade from Original to Signature will you a big surprise and big gain in return.

Best regards !

From Hong Kong