Is Pass Labs Xono An Overkill For Rega P5 TT?

Would like to solicit some opinions on this matching. Any advice would be most appreciated.
I use the XONO with a rebuilt/rewired Yamaha PX-2 and a Denon DL-304 cartridge. It seems like a weird combo but it sounds very nice.

The XONO is am excellent phono pre and I would go ahead with it if you can get it for a good price. It has enough gain to handle just about any cartridge (the DL-304 is .2 mv), is very low noise, and has good dynamics.

The really important thing is to use a cartridge that's a good match for the P5. There's probably plenty of opinions on this in the forums.
Thanks for the response Ghostrider45. I am using a Denon DL103 cartridge with the P5 and was informed the cartridge was not optimized since the Rega arm would only come into its own when matched with a heavier one. Anyway I reckon the built-in phonostage in my integrated amp is the weakest link at the moment so it makes sense to look at it first, cartridge later.

The XOno is one of the best values in phonostages IMO - still haven't heard a better SS phono (even though some other I heard are in the $8k price range).
If you're open to the idea that a lower cost phono may actually sound better than the Xono, then look into a Heed Quasar. $999 new. It has excellent flexibility (although nothing I've ever auditiond has the vast flexibility options of the Xono), and in my system, when used with a Dynavector XX MK II, the Quasar was much more dynamic and "alive" than the Xono...while still remaining tonally balanced.

I was able to audition a Quasar for two weeks through Blackbird Audio Gallery in Southern California.
Thanks for the recommendation Tvad. Results can sometimes be unpredictable in that a lower cost phono can outperform a much costlier and reputable unit like the Xono. I guess matching does play a part sometimes. This unit from a Hungarian outfit does look quite promising. Will keep my options open.