Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes?

Dear Friends,
The general amp advice for the speakers 92+ db sensitivity speakers are mostly low power amps and mainly set or pp tube devices. I wonder if you have any experience with a setup of high sensitivity speaker with 100+ watt amplifier. 
My speaker is va sarastro 2 and at the moment driving it with accuphase a60 power amp. I've an opportunuty to buy Arc Gs150 amp with a good deal.
thanks for your comments
This may be interesting:
The point is that with significant dynamic range the peak power required is much higher than the average. In the quoted example, if you need 1 watt on average, you will need 160 watt to cope with a 22 dB peak above that average.
Just crunched the numbers on that. My 30 watt amp is EASILY capable of delivering those kinds of impulses into a 4 ohm load to produce nearly 107dB. So.... What's the need for 500 watts? 
So I guess you started the equation with a lower power requirement for average level, by e.g. using more efficient speakers and/or a small listening room. And 4 Ohm is also pretty low.
+1 - Agree with Trelja and Noromance

From my 35+ years experience in this hobby, power corrupts, and have your ever really heard how loud 1 watt/channel can get?  We only have 1 set of ears and I like mine to last as long as possible.  A lesson I was taught many years ago by a stereo shop owner who was tone deaf but built the most amazing sounding speakers.
I based those numbers on what I'm sitting here dealing with in my condo. 90dB/V/M speakers about 12 feet away with usual boundary and coupling factors. I picked 4 ohm instead of the nominal 8 ohm rating Focal claims just for fun and it probably is more realistic. The F5 transitions out of class A into 4 ohm at 31 watts and easily carries the 24.5V and 6.1 amp to make for 150 watt transients. Looking around here, 12 feet seems a fairly average distance and 90dB sensitivity is pretty average sensitivity.