Is the audio research D150 still a worthily amp?

I recently inherited an audio research D150 from my grandfather. the amp has not been used in over 15 years and will cost fair amount to money to get it serviced. I would like to know how this old amp will fair up against a modern power amp in the $2000 region? i would also like to know if there are places specialised in servicing old Audio Research gear, perhaps giving them some new life with modern capacitors?

finally, i'd also like to know what speakers would work well with this amp? i prefer speakers that are time aligned with a sealed box. please, only advice from experience with the same or a very similar set up. i do not need any random suggestions.
If the amp was my Grandfathers,I would restore it and use it and NEVER sell it.Surely it has some memories for you.JD
I really appreciate all your inputs. it seems that i really have a jem on hand. i will get in touch with steve a great northern sounds to see if i can work something out with him on my limited buget.
I know this is an old thread but I'm interested on how you did with your AR D-150, just in case you happen to read this. Did you go ahead with the restoration or just sold it?