Is the B&W 600 series a good value?

Hey guys, I demoed the B&W 685's recently and I was very impressed. But it might be because I have little experience with other speakers.

This will be for a 10x12x8 room dedicated to my 2.0 setup. I'm on a budget and would like to keep the speakers under $1000. The

However, before I make a purchase... what's the general consensus on B&W speakers, particularly the 600 series. Could I do a lot better for my money by going with an internet-direct brand? Or are B&W speakers a good value?

Also, I know this may be "shallow" or not "audiophile-like", but I have to mention that aesthetics are very important to me... I do not want an ugly looking speaker, no matter how good it sounds. This is one reason B&W's attract my attention.

I know I should let my ears decide, but I just wanted to get some opinions.

Koven...Just remember that the speakers will sound totally different, with your gear in your room ,than they did when you demo'd them.
thanks for the suggestion i understand that, they actually let me take them home for demoing

I owned BW 600 series years ago, and don't recall which are the 685 equivalents. If they are the 2 way monitor types, I'd go with the 805N's if it were me and I wanted to buy BW. But that's past your budget, albeit worth the extra couple hundred bucks.

Otherwise I'd go with some 2 ways from Silverline Totem, or maybe NHT. ACI too has a few which are well regarded and look very good. I feel my SR 15 Silverlines are better sounding than the 600 series BW. About $600 $700 used.

I also saw a note about Audio 123 (?) in Tone audio magazines best products of 2008 which pointed to a floor standing pair for $699 THEY FELT WERE A GREAT VALUE. Check out the notes in their online mag "products of the year" category.

Good luck.
I use the Series II 603 B&W speakers. They are good regarding their price class. The new series looks great but I never heard them.

Reading your post above I think that you can safely buy the speakers.

Just remember, like Tpreaves said, they will sound different in your room. How much we cant say.
Koven...If you demo'd them at home and really liked them,by all means get them.You are truely fortunate to have had this luxury.In regards to the "asethetics" comment in your original post,I see nothing wrong with wanting your gear to be visually pleasing.In my opinion,the eyes do play a part in the sound equasion.If you don't like the look of the speakers,you may find yourself not wanting to listen to them.For example...many people adore Gallo 3.1's and while the sound may be stellar,I could not live with the look.Don't ever worry about being "shallow" or "not audiophile-like",when you start worring about things like that,you will forget what matters the most...pleasing yourself.Just my thoughts.Enjoy.