Is the B&W 600 series a good value?

Hey guys, I demoed the B&W 685's recently and I was very impressed. But it might be because I have little experience with other speakers.

This will be for a 10x12x8 room dedicated to my 2.0 setup. I'm on a budget and would like to keep the speakers under $1000. The

However, before I make a purchase... what's the general consensus on B&W speakers, particularly the 600 series. Could I do a lot better for my money by going with an internet-direct brand? Or are B&W speakers a good value?

Also, I know this may be "shallow" or not "audiophile-like", but I have to mention that aesthetics are very important to me... I do not want an ugly looking speaker, no matter how good it sounds. This is one reason B&W's attract my attention.

I know I should let my ears decide, but I just wanted to get some opinions.

The new B&W series does look great and fit your criteria of being an aesthetically-pleasing speaker. I have heard the 684 briefly driven by an NAD and there is nothing bad about the sound. My impression is it is slightly more refined sounding than the older 600 series although I may be comparing it with the 603s1. The drive units have been improved and sonically the high frequencies do sound smoother with better integration between the bass/midrange and tweeter. The 685 and other models in the same series are however made in China, and I believe B&W took this route to cut manufacturing costs. Quality-wise I have no comment but B&W has certainly come a long way coming up with a classy speaker in the budget range that does not sound too budget.

It doesn't hurt to explore other options either. Aesthetics are very personal so just go with your heart(and eyes).
I had B&W 602 S2 speakers. They are relatively efficient speakers for a bookshelf but subsequently lack bass and body. They're also bright. I found Totems to be better in every area, including looks. If you have a dealer near you I'd suggest you arrange a demo.
Koven - I would look around a little more before you commit. B&Ws are not the last word in speakers. I had B&Ws for years, a similar budget as you (for speakers) and shifted to Magnepans and the difference has been astounding. Visit a couple of audio shops and do a bit more research. You may come back to the B&Ws but with more perspective and understanding.
hey guys,

i appreciate all the info, thank you

i will look around more before making a decision

judging by the responses, the next two on my list to demo are Paradigm and Totem... any particular models i should look into for <$1000?

btw, i thought i should mention that i'm using a Peachtree Decco, it drove the B&W's just fine with 50wpc, but will it be enough for Paradigm or Totem? are they as efficient as B&W's?

thanks again