Is the B&W 600 series a good value?

Hey guys, I demoed the B&W 685's recently and I was very impressed. But it might be because I have little experience with other speakers.

This will be for a 10x12x8 room dedicated to my 2.0 setup. I'm on a budget and would like to keep the speakers under $1000. The

However, before I make a purchase... what's the general consensus on B&W speakers, particularly the 600 series. Could I do a lot better for my money by going with an internet-direct brand? Or are B&W speakers a good value?

Also, I know this may be "shallow" or not "audiophile-like", but I have to mention that aesthetics are very important to me... I do not want an ugly looking speaker, no matter how good it sounds. This is one reason B&W's attract my attention.

I know I should let my ears decide, but I just wanted to get some opinions.

okay.. so i just went to demo Usher's and i was completely blown away by the BE-718 compared to the B&W 600 series

not really a surprise given the price difference.. but they told me they have a X-718 for $1299.. which is the same thing just without the BE tweeter

anyone have any comments about usher that might help me?

i will be going to listen to Totem tomorrow

Answer to your original question: Yes.

But, you should also listen to as many of these as possible:

Totem Rainmaker
Totem Arro (narrow floor stander)

Dynaudio Excite X16

Silverline Audio SR-12

B&W 685
B&W CM1 (maybe, power hungry)

PSB Imagine B

Paradigm Titan Monitor

Triangle Titus EX

Monitor Audio Silver RX2
Monitor Audio Silver RX6 (small floor stander)
Personally, I'm not a B&W fan, although I actually prefer the 600 series to the massively overpriced 800/Matrix models. As to you central question, whether they're good values, B&Ws are almost by definition more expensive than many comparably positioned products. For one thing they're an English import, which means they're weighted down by the weak dollar; for another B&W utilizes a traditional (and heavily marketed) retail business model, which means they're subject to astronomical dealer markups. In contrast, alot of internet/direct manufacturers (Ohm, Magnepan and VMPS conme to mind)are able to deliver a lot more speaker for considerably less by cutting out the middleman.
You've gotten good recommendations above--I'd opt for Paradigm, Totem, PSB, Usher; I'd toss in Von Schweikert as well as the above mentioned Ohm and VMPS into the mix.

The current B&W 600 series was designed in UK and is built in China - so a good value compared to other products currently on the market assuming you like the way they sound. I think the 600's sound pretty good. The CM series is really quite an improvement over the old 700 series, with simpler but elegant cabinets, and improved drivers and crossovers. I would not say the latest B&W speakers are remarkable, but are high value and competitive with other products in their respective classes.
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