Is the Sony TA-E1 worth considering?

I want toupgrade my current preamp, which is a Meridian 502. Is the Sony TA-E1 worth considering? How does it compare to the likes of other more recognisable audiphile names?
The last time I was at the Sony Outlet south of Racine Wisconsin, they had a few B-Stock units in the carton. Dont recall the price, but you can do a net search for the phone number and call them.

how do you like the tan-1 amp, how does it compare to the usual suspect, mark levinson, krell, pass..etc
I also own the ML332 amp and the Krell KAV-1500 (the big one rated @300watts/ch for 5 channels). I personally find the ML332 to be a little dark sounding, polite in a sense while the TAN1 has a bit more musicality to offer. Speakers are ML Prodigy. Bass response is slightly in favor of the Levinson, but highs and treble is better with the Sony. Build is definitely superior with the Sony- no questions asked. Infact the TAN1 is similar to the huge Accuphase mononblocs though it is an original Sony design and in-house product. I have yet to hoook the KAV-1500 in system but wull get around to that in 2-3 weeks time.