is there really a need for two subs?

My room is fairly small, maybe 14' by 10'. I have a Jolida 502A and a pair of Soliloquy 6.2 loudspeakers. Is there really a need for two subwoofers since everything I have read states that subs are non-directional?
First off, it is not true that "subs are nondirectional." It is true that low bass is "nondirectional," which is to say that we cannot tell where it's coming from. But it's quite likely that a sub will be producing energy up into the range where we can begin to pick up locational information. (And don't forget that wherever you set your crossover, your sub will be producing sound above that point.)

This doesn't mean that a single sub can't work. It can. Remember, if you didn't have the sub, you wouldn't hear the low bass at all. Which is worse: Not being able to place the bass? Or missing it entirely?
I have been using two subs since the year 1981. Stereo subs greatly increase soundstage size, shape, and realism.
I agree with some of the comments above. There is a level you have to reach first before two is better than. Generally, one $1500 sub will out perform two $750 subs. Two really good subs will be even better. The sub does not have to do double duty with the bass signal from 2 channels.
you need to decide if you want nondirectional bass or quality non directional bass as it affects your music enjoyment profoundly for all the reasons stated above by other members.
Members we are, I hope, writing about bass in music, which we have all heard, and not dinosaur footsteps which even I am not old enough-- to have ever heard.---Two sub Tom