Is this bad?

My modified Ming Da MC34-b has outputs for 4 ohm and 8 ohm speakers. Well my speakers are rated at 6.5 ohms. Is it proper to use them with the 8 ohm jacks?

The reason I ask, last night I noticed noise for the first time, then it got louder. I noticed one of the output tubes was glowing much brighter than the others.

Maybe this is a bad tube instead?

Sorry for the lack of specifics, I'm new here...
Most likely your amp has bias adjustments for each output tube. Each output tube needs to be in the same socket that it was in when the tech performed the bias adjustment or you have to start all over with bias adjustments.

If the seller took the time to mark each tube for the proper socket before he shipped it, you might be able to move them around to their proper location and be up and running again. If not, and if the tubes were simply shipped independent and without any indication of which socket they go in then the seller didn't take his responsibility of selling serious.

Tubes can vary in how bright they are and still be biased properly. A tube with a filament that extends higher above the plate structure than another will glow brighter. However, if the plates are the least bit orange or red then you have a problem.
yeah, about the tubes are what is being biased. So moving the tubes from one to another sport will change what the bias in each circuit is supposed to be. Did the tubes come separated from the sockets? if so, did you get them in the SAME one they were from when the bias was set?
(I love tube stuff... but I can't stand the tube bothers! ... maybe after I retire.. tubes. Mmmmmm)
No, the tubes were not labeled per socket. So the output tubes could be in any of 4 slots, and any of 2 for the input.

I'll contact the seller and get biasing instructions.

I've not had another episode of noise like the other night. I listened for 4 hours last night and it worked fine. So for now I'll make sure I'm around while I listen, and get it biased as soon as I have the instructions.

Thanks to everyone for your help.