Isolation Devices for Digital

I have noticed what looks like superballs or handballs in cutout wooden blocks these isolation devices called Mini Clouds by Gingko Audio. Anyone use them or have any cheaper alternatives? Do they really help?

Another Audiogoner told me about 3/8" ball bearings placed on Sticky Tack at a total cost of $3. Have not tried this yet.
The idea of using ball bearing is to absorb _lateral_ vibrations that soft materials like vibrapod or erasers won't be able to handle well. Idea seems sound, but I'm not sure it's practical for everybody.
Sugarbrie, I think I was at the same demo. I was the guy sitting next to the pizza (and eating most of it). Any how, I was quite intrigued by the Mini Cloud demonstration and since I’ve been wanting to try something new on my CDP I though I’d give Gingko a try. I was thinking about trying the Mini Clouds but then I saw a Cloud 11 advertised at a pretty good price on Audiogon. My CDP is the Audio Aero Capital with black diamond racing cones and it measures 16”X18” exactly the size of a standard Cloud 11. I just received the Cloud 11 and have not had a lot of time to listen, but the listening that I have done has proven very interesting. I was not expecting too much, but the Cloud 11 definitely makes a difference for the better. When listening to vocals I ‘m now hearing the singer’s breathe in greater detail and generally more air to the sound. Detail in general has improved. Decays are longer. I’m also noticing a little larger and more precise soundstage. So far I’m very happy with my purchase and looking forward further listening sessions and experimenting with the Cloud 11 a little more.
Jylee, ball bearings do NOT absorb vibration. I wish they did, it would make my life easier at work! Where did you get that from? What exactly do you mean by lateral vibrations?