Isolation platforms for turntables

I am in searching process for buying one. My tt is very near to one of my speakers. I do not feel any disturbance in sound bit i like the idea of isolating my tt, any interference, and i think i will see benefits of this(dont ask why :) )

I found a lots of brands, lots of models, lots of diy ideas. Symposium, vibraplane, acoustic revive, hrs, sra, townshed many brand, many platforms.

I really like to know whoch one you are using and what benefits you have earned for your beloved turntable.
12-19-13: Onhwy61
I suspect your loudspeakers effect your turntable more via airborne sound waves than any structure coupled vibration.

12-19-13: Elizabeth
The other way would be more mass in the TT stand.
I'm certainly no expert, but I agree with the 2 above statements. I think what makes most sense is to try to get those airborne vibrations out of the TT. So the TT coupled to a heavy base is what I would do. Actually what I plan to do over the Holidays with my table (Spikes on my TT and sitting on a sandbox I have yet to make).
That, as opposed to damping / something soft under the TT. If you do that, the airborne vibrations have no place to go.
I also recently moved my rack back closer to the wall and it seemed to help.
SYMPOSIUM ULTRA STEALTH ,will improve stage,bass,imaging and quietness,its the best!!
I think if you can move the turntable to the centre of the rack and floats the rack with some kind of support/feet then it should be fine. Adding Symposium will improve better. You can move your speakers a feet or two out form the front wall.
I would place the turntable in the center of the rack away from the left speaker. I use an Symposium Ultra under my table.
Moving the gear is the best option i am aware of it but it wont be happening in the short term, sadly. I also have the original clearaudio rack for turntable, if i could move the gear, i would use this rack there are no better solution.

But sadly, like i said moving gear is not an option right now or in the near future because i have 3 year old girl, and everything is safer like this(at least in my opinion) couple of years i am planning to move all the battery, power supply etc, to a corner of the wall, only amp+phone pre and tt will be in the center, and like your opinions this would be a very good upgrade.

In the meantime, i think using an isolation platform is a good idea. I really like to hea what you are thinking about them, is it woth the investment ?

Also some of you mentioned about making current rack stable etc, current raci is very stable, it stays on a 20 soundcare spike(pictures do not show them). Rack does not have any effect on tt. You may jump on it and no feedback. Also taking ty center is not an option because it is too high, it is closing the tv. This place is the only place i can put tt for a now. Also someone mentioned about moving speakers from frnt wall, both of the speakers are far from every near wall aprox. 65 cm. i think photos are not reflecting this.