Isolation vs. Absorbtion

I am new to the audiophile hobby, and I am confused by what appears to be subjectivity and contradictions. When "mounting" a cd player and other components, is it best to use Soft Pads which ISOLATE vibration and RETAIN internal component vibration, OR is it best to use Hard Cones, which DRAIN (harmful) component vibrations into shelf material. Secondly, is it best to attach shelving to racks so that shelving makes Direct (hard) Contact - OR, should the shelving be Isolated from rack? Is there a scientific, indisputable answer?
I would second the last two posts. I believe it's very helpful to have the makers of products relavent to the discusion to include themselves in the thread. It only will raise the level of knowledge for all of us, but I do want to know if the person on the other end is pushing a point for his/her personal gain. So a simple title like Ken's is great. I was reluctant at first of Redkiwi's posts because he talked so well of Neuance and had such extensive knowledge. It became apparent after some time that he was just an excited audio guy, much like me when I find something I want everyone to try. So please dealers and inventers continue your involvement, just let us know you have a stake in the product. J.D.
I appreciate your imput, and value your thought. I will comply on a new thread as we are way off topic. However today I added a new idea I had to my listening room about 700 Brass screws straight into the joists, I listen in nearfeild and wow I mean "WOW!!!...". Try it if you can, a wack of them in the corner can realy reduce corner loading.
P.S. If your that curios right now, check my email address many have and soome have even called me knowing exactly who I am. A good tip for future curiosity you may have with identity isues unless someone is realy trying to be sneaky, their is quite a few all over these sites as you already know. Probably the majority my guess. I wonder if were just trying to sell each other on our ideas, that would be irony. However I would still be here preaching my passion and learning what I can.
Keep your ear tuned!
And to answer the original Question Yes! There is proof and scientific evidence. A reveiw in The Inner Ear Report soon to be on will clairify for you.
Draudio, since you have been challenged to let us know your connection with Sistrum/Audiopoints, but are neither confirming nor denying, then I suspect most readers of these posts will feel as I do, that your opinion is profit-motivated and that your posts have been an attempt to deceive Audiogon members. The trouble is, the Sistrum and Audiopoints stuff might be OK, but you are causing suspicion and disbelief to attach to anyone posting positive impressions about it here.