Jadis amps and pre-amps still competitive?

How does Jadis amps (Defy7, JA 200, ect.) and pre-amps (JPL MK2, 80 MC), compare with the more popular amps of today from VTL, LAMM, and Audio Research. You don't hear much about them anymore. I remember that they were highly regarded when Mr. Victor Goldstein was the importer.
Yes they are, if you value the Jadis house sound (I personally think that sound will never go out of style). And they work fine with Lamm amps as well.
Unfortunately, I do'nt think any new Jadis kit is competitive. Unfortunately, because I would love to own one of their integrated amps. 5 years ago the J88s top of the line integrated was about £6000 in the UK, now it is over £11000, mostly due to currency exchange rate movements. It just is'nt worth that, even if I could afford it, which I can'nt.
I find the JA-500 to be very competitive with today's uber designs. The one I have is well maintained. It has been taken care of by DaHong Seetoo for most of its adult life. It does not sound "tuby" by any means. It is a very magical amplifier, and it's drop dead beautiful to boot.
