Jadis Orch Ref vs opera consonance m100plus

Main difference for me at this point is

rare in Finland, probably very difficult to buy used in finland
certainly over 1200usd used in US meaning 120v meaning i
need a downstep convertor or to modify
probably a better amp than the opera

can buy used in Finland for under 1200usd
220v and a dealer in my town
made in china
probably worse amp than jadis

also how might these amps rate in comparison:
Audio electronic AE-25
TAD 60

They are essentially the same price for me if I buy the JOR in the US or the m100 here
If that's the case and since there's no EU importation tax/vat, I'd go for the Jadis. BUT, you'd have to make sure that the PS tranny has a 230V primary (as Mechans implies). If NOT, you have to change the tranny on the Jadis which means an extra 2-300 euro (or more, if you buy fm Jadis).
With all the fine compliments the JOR has received lately , I'm sure you will not find one for less than...$1500 USD/rated 9. If its 4 yrs or older /rated 8, then I'd guess used at $1200.
But as you say very few go up for sale. Most folks feel, if they upgrade to another Jadis/or other amp, the JOR makes a great amp for a second system.
btw here's my ideal system for the JOR.
Seas Tyrm kit + Cayin 17.
I think the Trym is the better match for the JOR as its 8 ohms/less demand than my Seas Thors/4 ohms.
Though Jadis is built to drive 4-8 ohms, I'm guessing I'd get more puch in the lower with a single 8inch midwoofer offered in the Trym.
I may get the Trym kit one day.
The mids of the JOR are a 9 out of a possible 10. The bass and highs I'd rate an 8.
A rating I'd give few amps at the $2100 level/new.
What makes the JOR/all Jadis amps so nice is the extremely low level of fatigue.
Now rating fatigue level for the JOR, I'd happlily give her a 10.
Hi Someguy,
Used Jadis amps are not very rare in Germany or Holland. These would match your voltage etc.
Try hifi.nl hear.nl or audio-markt.de every now and then and I'm shure you'll find a decent affordable amp.

Good Luck,