Jadis Orchestra Reference

I recently purchased JOR. On power up one of the small tubes
flashes, but it works fine. Any idea. I am new to tubes and
would appreciate oany help. Thanks, Zach
The original kt 90, but would like to try some el34 if
I can figure out the biasing. I also just got a Symphonia CD. It does not seem to have the same build quality.
If you cant figure out the biasing, I'll copy the manual Joe Trelli made for me and send it to you. It sounds great with El 34s.
I was thinking of getting both an Orchestra integrated and the Jadis Symphonia cd player that Pierre Gabriel is liquidating (he is the importer). I decided against this purchase for 2 reasons. 1 The Symphonia is a ''re-badged'' player and is very expensive, even at a big discount and does not have the typical Jadis build quality. More recent, less expensive player out-perform it easily. 2. The Jadis Orchestra cannot be easily biased by its owner. Biasing is complicated as one must open the chassis and fiddle around with nearby high voltages. Talk about user-unfriendly, this is 2005 !!!! If anyone has integrated amplifier recommendations (tube) instead of the Orchestra, be my guest !
rob techsupoert: If you like the Jadis sound and can afford it, the DA30/50/60 are all autobiasing and sound great. Tough to find used, I know a number of members on this site have their eyes peeled for them.
I agree entirely that Jadis should be ashamed of themselves,
making biasing such a huge a huge chore; however, aside from this, the sound alone is so good as to compensate, I think, for this. However, I have not had to bias mine, since the previous owner did it all. Maybe I'll change my mind when a tube blows, but so far, it's just sonic bliss.