Jena Labs Symphony vs. Valkyre IC's

could someone detail the sonic differences between the Jena Labs Symphony and Valkyre IC's?
Mejames. Opps. Sorry Justin. I had just finished a phone conversation with another friend named Jason when I wrote that.
Boa2. Sure, if you live by Justin and myself. I'm already planning on visiting Justin in a couple weeks and taking my Meitner gear with me. I live in the Palm Springs Ca. area.
hello Frank you enjoy CES? I just purchased a used Symphony got it yesterday is what triggered this question actually. I liked some sonic aspects and disliked some also but overall still liked the XLO limited better but it's been cooked so the comparison wasn't really fair anyway.
Got a bat vk 5i preamp coming by Saturday also so you don't need to bring a preamp just the Meitner stuff and a couple power cords. what did you think of the Symphony? Justin
Thank you for the offer. As I take off my down jacket, no, I live in Sacramento. Same state, but not so close.
My good friend is there now, working at the Palm Springs Film Festival. I think he's decided that he's done living in Seattle. The sun will do that to just about anyone.

All the best,
Justin. The Jena I.C.'s don't work well unless you also have the Jena speaker cables. The speaker cables on the other hand work very well with other brands.
I also have a pair of Valkyre S/C that I'll bring. Is 6 feet long enough?
Howard. Lately it's been just like Seattle here. Lot's of rain.