JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3 ? anyone?

Hi i am in the market for JM Lab Nova Be or Eggleston andra 3
I can get them both for around the same price ,but I will never get the chance comparing them... ( one is in Greece the other in UK..Here we do not have a eggleston dealer,but I ve read many reviews for both ,so if somebody had a chance to listen to them both I will highly appreciate his opinion.
My system :
ps audio PWD mk2 + transport
pass x350.5 amp direcly to the PWD
cardas golden ref interconnects.
thinking about a future upgrade to halcro dm88 or pass xa160.5 amps
thx in advance
Heard most of your mentioned speakers and plenty more and the JM Lab Nova Be have yet to be beaten to my ears. Astonishing in the right system.

Hate to be the Bogeyman here, but if every member of Audiogon chirps in with their opinion, you will be no closer to knowing which of the above speakers will float YOUR boat. Sorry!
I much prefer the beryllium tweeter to the esotar tweeter. Regarding deep bass, if you have the right amplification, the Novas will go very deep indeed.
Hifi76 -

I would not exchange those Pass Lab amps for Halcro!

Otherwise, both JM Labs and Eggleston are outstanding speakers, it will be the one that sounds the best to your ears.
I have not heard the Andra 3, but can write that Eggleston and Pass work very
well together. I used to own the Eggleston Rosa and Pass XA100.5. Eggleston
used to show with Pass amps. Egglestons need a lot of good clean power to
sound their best and to control the lower frequencies, IMO.
Haven't heard the Andra 3 either but have owned the 2's for a while...have only used them with Mcintosh 501's and very satisfied. I never realized their full potential until I found the right speaker cables. I found the Purist Proteus Provectus really kicked up the performance to a degree I could not believe!