Just ordered my Supratek Chenin Preamp

Ordered it in Piano Black with chrome, remote control and HT bypass options. Now comes the hard part - waiting for it to be built and shipped! Hope the time passes quickly...
IMHExperience EH6sn7 was equally no so good like stock Sovtek,
KenRad VT231 had much better harmonics, bass bloomy somehow, but match clearer picture then with EH or Sovtek,
Huge improvement was Sylvania 6sn7w metal base chrome top,
equally good was Mullard CV2821.
I have tried NU Grey glass to very good (similar to KR) more body them with Sylvania but less detail.
So it depends what do one prefer body or details what room you have what amp?
I have Clayton M100 which is pretty dark so I need tubes with details.
I'm using Bendix6106 as rectifier and EH as regulator, GEC KT66 was perfect in my previous 400sq feet room in current room 190 sq feet I'm using EH tubes with GEC KT66 too much bass.
Regards to all.
Cat JL-2, Martin Logan Summit.

My Syrah is almost seven years now. The longest I have ever had an audio component! 8 or 9 poweramps have come and gone, the Syrah remains.

Tube rolling is tricky. I have tried 6F6, 350B and NOS 6L6 regulators and 6106, 5V4 and GZ37 rectifiers but right now I am listening to the stock sovtek 5881 and philips 5Z4 and prefer them! The bass is better with the 6F6 and 350B, but smoother and warmer with the stock tubes.

Favourite 6SN7 is Hytron JAN-CHY, but I will try the EH 6SN7 soon
I have the Supratek Sauvignon preamp. I currently am using a Mullard GZ34 as the rectifer tube. Does anyone know if I can substitute a 5Y3GT for the GZ34. Also, is the 5Y3GT the same tube as the 6106? I like the sound of this preamp with RCA 6L6GC's used as the regulators. To me the RCA 6L6GC's sound better than the Genelax KT66's.
Hi Jek, The Bendix 6106 electrical specs. are close to the 5y3gt and could be used as a substitute. However,the Bendix is a indirect heated full wave rectifier and the 5y3gt is a directly heated full wave rectifier.Meaning,if you used a directly heated rectifier in your power supply.The other tubes in your pre would recieve a blast of full voltage before they had a chance to warm up and stabilize in the circuit.This blast of voltage would strip the cathode out of your other tubes very quickly on start up......If you are going to try other rectifiers ,make sure test values on both sides are very close or even mirror matched.If not you could get a chugging weird noise out of it.Its also important that the regulators are matched very closely,the regulators work directly with the rectifier.If you buy these tubes from a vender,request matched sides in the rectifier and matched pairs for the regulators,within 1 to 2 MA.would be best.Your ears will appreciate the great 6f6g and 6106 combo.I have afew select n.o.s. mirror matched 6f6gs Im contemplating selling,including a n.o.s.factory 5 pack of Sylvanias that are all perfect matched, all five matched with in 1 MA.of each other......I was on Micks site last night and see his Malbec amps will be available very soon,anyone here going to be the first to order a pair?