Just ordered the Jungson 88D Luxury Edition.

Based on some of your commends and a sparse BFS review, I'm taking the plunge. I really hope it will sound good in my system. The guy I bought it from says it's ultra smooth, lush, and just seductive. He also carries the DK VS1 integrated and prefers the Jungson sound over the DK. The Jungson LE is supposed to have better build quality and sells for $1300 less! Any comments on the Jungson is welcome.
Kck, the only way you'll know is to try it out. I, for one, do not spend more than 300-350 for a pair of ICs or speaker cables. As for power cords, I have the Signal Cable Magic Power Cord ($60, I think) and their Magic Power Digital Cord ($70, I think). At least in my experience, the power cords did make a significant difference over the stock cords - definately worth the minimal investment (by audiophile standard). My friends think I'm crazy buying a $60 power cord. It's all relative. Would I ever buy a $5000 cable, IC, or cord? No. At those prices, I think it's mostly snake oil. I rather buy a better pair of speakers, amp, or CDP.

Of course not all tube amps are slow in bass, but a lot are.
So when reviews of the Jungson just talk about the good midrange and tube sound and never mention bass or PRAT, I put two and two together and presume thats where its strenghts lie.

Some people have said that the Korsun is fast and dynamic but too sterile sounding - those people should try the Jungson!!
Dracule1, I am with you on this. I did not mean to say cables make no difference, just that the story that a given component sounds good only with a certain brand or type of cable (silver, etc) is poppycock.

For the record, I have between $1 and $2K invested in cables. Not much but at least lets you know that I do believe in the power of decent cabling.

So the Signal Cable is all that eh? Been wondering about that... I use Ven Haus Flavors myself and wonder if Frank's stuff is worth a try against these. Sorry to go OT.
Agisthos, the Jungsons are not slow in the bass at least compared to live music. It doesn't throw bass at you like many SS amps. The bass is naturally integrated with rest of the spectrum.

Kck, for the money, it's hard to beat the Signal Cable power cords. I don't think I could ever spend over $1k on cables. My total investment is little over $600 and I'm quiet happy with the results.
I agree power cords are tweaks. I can't see IC's or power cords transforming a amp or CDP radically.

Bass is very well integrated. It dosen't jump out at you.

I mostly listen to rock. One of my previous amps had very tight puchy bass. At first I thought it sounded great. After awhile it all sounded the same and I realized it didn't sound that natural. The Jungson to my ear really sounds like a bass guitar an instrument I'm very familar with. Bass dosen't sound artificial or hyped as pointed out in the BFS review.

BW Maxx