KEF Speakers

Hey forum I have a kef related question first time posting so bare with me

I recently while looking to buy some speakers for a friend found a pair of Kef speakers, but the trouble is I am having difficulty identifying the exact model of these speakers and if i am getting a good deal or not. the drivers as far as i can tell are the same as the KEF Concerto, But the cabinet is not the same. any ideas?
Howmuch are they? I'm not familiar with "concertos" but I googled them and they look fairly old? Anyhow, depending on price, there are alot of good speakers used, here on the gon for a couple hundred bucks that you can find reviews on. I have a kef qx5's and like them quite a bit, but, like I said, there are alot of good inexpensive monitors out there!
Around $300, I think they may be a KEFKIT 3 but I'm not sure. I have know idea what they are worth tho.
Again, i'm not familiar with those but at $300, I wouldn't do it. They look super old and ugly. What made you interested in them? Not trying to sound mean, by the way :-)
If you don't want to buy off audiogon, what city do you live in and I'll check out your local craigslist.
I saw a pair of nht absolute zero's for $300 here on audiogon. Those would be decent. I'm sure there are some nice speakers you can get for $300. What kind of music do you like? What kind of amp? How big is the room? Would you rather have loud or quality? Is bass important?