Kondo, Zanden, CJ, Ref 5? Pre w/ Pure Tonal Color?

Hi A'Goners! Happy New Year! I am looking for a no-holds barred (second-hand) preamp that can (at least) maintain the transparency, detail, speed of my CJ ACT 2 but really add dramatically more tonal color, purity, harmonic richness.

My system:

Oppo BDP-83 (Upgrade Company modd'd)
Zanden 5000 Signature DAC
CJ ACT 2 Pre (Series 1)
Gryphon Antileon
Wilson X-1/Grand Slamms
Velodyne DD-18 (in parallel...from 35hz downward)
Transp Ref IC/SC
PAD Dominus/Ann Contego & Sablon Audio PCs
Transp Ref Power Conditioner
Nordost QX4

For background, i used to own SF Strads, and have owned Guarneris and CJ equipment for years...but i recently upgraded to the one speaker i have found in 25 years which i preferred. The Wilson X-1 Grand slamms...which far surpasses the Strads in soundstage, dynamics, detail retrieval and rhythm...as well as bass. And I have found it can be intensely musical...when set up right. (super-sensitive to set up.)

With the Wilson's in, my system today is as musical now as it was with the Strads...but i find with the immense increase in detail, soundstage, bass, rhythm, spaciousness, etc...i feel like if i could find a way to add some additional tonal color to the sound...it might go even one level further!!! (As always...a never-ending pursuit!)

i know many feel Pres should be straight wire and gain. in my case, i think the ACT 2 may be "losing" some color along the way. In particular, i think that my Zanden and Gryphon are quite warm with good tonal purity...and i have read that the ACT 2 compared to some well-regarded Pre's is a little too neutral. (hence why the Series 2 came out quite quickly...within less than 24 months).

thus, i am thinking about changing the ACT 2. Here is my current shortlist...but i am truly open-minded:
- CJ ART 3
- CJ Act 2 (Series 2)
- Audio Note?
- ARC Ref 5

These would all be second-hand and therefore "do-able"

meanwhile, for the right deal, i would also look at:
- Wavac PRT-1
- ARC Ref Anniversary
- Kondo M-10

I MUST hear them for myself in my system...i always keep my own counsel. but it sometimes helps to get the benefit of other people;'s experiences to at least draft my "shortlist" of preamps. I have focused on tubes...but if SS gets you there, say so!

Thanks for any guidance!

Zanden model 3000 for example , i have not heard the arc 5 but i did hear the arc 3 , conrad johnson is rare hear in holland , but zanden whow yhat is nice stuff , by far the best tonal colour i have heard , if something will replace my nagra it will be zanden or,.... ML

Nice system! Thanks for your advice, and that makes a lot of sense given how much i like my Zanden DAC. Aside from good potential for synergies, i have heard very good things about the Zanden 3000 on a standalone basis. That also may be (a little easier) for me to audition here than some of the others.
Hi All,

I have auditioned the Massetto in my home, and also scheduled to hear the Zanden 3000. I have spoken with maker of Tron Syren and am waiting until one is available for audition. I have heard ARC Ref 5...may bring it home for a listen. I have not located Rex, Einstein or Gryphon pre's.

Massetto - In a few words, i understand why the unbelievably loyal following. If you are looking for midrange magic...but wish to have a totally transparent pre, with very, very extended highs, and an extremely high level of detailing, Shindo delivers. And that, as many will attest, is difficult to do.

Many times, if you find warm, music, enriching midrange magic, it comes with a number of compromises...mushy bass, or a little fuzz in the detail area. very hard to get superb detailing and warm midrange in the same sound.

i also very quickly did find i was listening to the music...not to the sound of this or that...because i was focusing on evaluating the equipment, i had to listen to music and to sound...but it was easy to start listening to just music. so i totally appreciate the great appeal of this pre.

Compared to my CJ ACT 2?
I would not trade it, and to be very praiseworthy to the dealer here, he agreed with me. He did not push for a sale. I have asked to hear a V-R or Giscours which i have heard are even better.

Why no trade?
- The Massetto has very, very musical bass with good force...but it felt definitely a millisecond slow compared to ACT 2 which felt more "neutral" and more well-paced on Deep House, Rap. Bass on acoustic instruments was fine though still you could feel that milli-beat of slowness.
- The Massetto midrange was definitely more forward compared to the ACT 2...not in a way that initially made you feel like it was an unnatural voicing...rather, it seemed that your ear was drawn to be more focused on the midrange. (This is the way it seemed...until you went back to the CJ ACT 2 and realized the voices, strings were in fact a touch more forward)
- This forwardness was wonderful on Clapton, and all kinds of music, because so much happens in the midrange, letting it come forward a bit made you enjoy the musical message that so often gets delivered within this band.
- Why do i feel it was midrange forward? Because it did not always work on orchestral. Whereas i expected a more balanced delivery of the orchestra (and i have been going for 20 years)...i felt like i was mainly hearing the violins...very surprising balance.

Before anyone gets too uptight...this was what i heard in my system...which i admit is not composed of perfect components (none are)...and there may have been synergy issues...but it is what i heard, and the dealer of Shindo concurred with all of my observations who auditioned alongside me.

In conclusion, no pre is perfect...but i am definitively looking for a pre that introduces a sense of midrange magic that at the moment i have (but wish for more)...yet does not sacrifice detail, extension, dynamics, etc.

i am very impressed by what i heard ...i get that Shindo has a technically very accomplished way of delivering MUSIC...it just that the Massetto did not beat the ACT 2 such that i was ready to trade. what i came away with was...really, really, really wanting to hear the Vosne-Romanee or Giscours!