KR Audio VA340 MKII vs Melody AN 845

Has anyone had the chance to listen to either of these integrated amps? Any opinions one way or another?
AN845 vs PB101/M845.
This is a test I'd like to conduct at the upcoming THE Show in Newport Beach, CA.
To date, I have heard both but not at the same time so I don't want to say which is better than which.
Nevertheless, at the last RMAF in Denver, we had 2 people who listened to PB101/M845 for a few minutes and wanted the AN845 due to their space constraint.
The end result is they both went home with their own AN845 and I believe they posted their impressions here in another thread.

Oh man! Why'd ya post that, lol? I was feeling warm and tingly about ordering the PB101/M845 (which is really too big for my space) and am now wondering if the AN845 is the better choice...

I too have a Melody AN845, purchased from Hugh last October after hearing it at RMAF. It is the centerpiece of my new office system and I couldn't be happier. This is my first foray into SET and in addition to its cool appearance, it really sounds great. I am very happy with it and the imaging in conjunction with Hugh's speakers is just phenomenal.