Krell FPB 400CX, Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII

Hey Guys,

I just got a new pair of Revel Gems and was wondering what amp you thought would be a better choice in my system. I have a placette passive linestage, wadia 7 transport going into a levinson 30.5 DAC and hopefully a nice turntable soon, oh and a Revel B15 sub. I know these amps are pretty different Krell is huge class A and the Bel Cantos are tiny(in size not power) class D.

Any thoughts would be great.

"code word for cheap amplification aka dumbed down"

Oh, you're speaking of integrated amps?
Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII is simply outstanding amplifier. At $6k/pr it provide unbeatable performance.

I don't like Placette passive preaamp, I owned it and it does not have enough dynamic range and bass extension as compared to excellent active preamplifier.

Thank you, that Bel Canto stuff must use pixie dust instead of real parts I guess.
03-14-09: Dave_b, that Bel Canto stuff must use pixie dust instead of real parts I guess.

15lbs? I don't suppose it helps to remind you that two of them are required?

Are you suggesting there is a causal relationship between weight and sonic performance?

Perhaps there is relationship - i mean your Krell 400xi only weighs 30lbs - right?
32lbs my Krell is..200w/ch into 8ohms it will do! $2k it cost me Hmmmmm. 500 into 8ohms and 1000 into 4ohms would seem to defy credibility given it's relatively demure stature:O) Any way, I thought it sounded soft on top, quick and punchy but lacking real solidity and dense images. It is an alternative however given the price of power these days, but I'll take my krell or Musical Fidelity or any number of other brands over Bel canto.