Krell KAV-250a: good? vs. Bryston 4B ST at price?

How is the Krell KAV-250a? In terms of weight, size, and price it seems like "Krell Lite". How would you compare it to the other Krel amps? How is it at it's price point? Recently discontinued, they can be had new for about $2000. Is it worth it? Or for around the same money are you better off with a Bryston 4B ST (which has similar power ratings)? What else around that price and comparable output levels would be better? These would drive a pair of Mirage M-3si speakers, and be feed by a Sonic Frontiers preamp.
The bottom is falling out of the market on the Krell KAV's. It's definitely "Krell-lite". I'm not bashing either, but I just don't think that the KAV-250 is in the same league as the Bryston. The Bryston is warmer, richer, better-built, etc.

At $2K new, the Krell seems like a good deal (compared to it's original retail), but you've gotta' wonder why they've pulled the plug on such a new product. And now, the market is FLOODED with KAV-150 and KAV-250's which won't help much in the re-sale dept. It appears that Krell over-estimated the success of this product-line. I'm guessing that the perceived value was not quite there, hence necessitating the liquidation of these pieces at a reduced price.

Think of it as the hi-fi equivalent of the BMW 318ti; a four-cylinder, hatchback Bimmer. Seemed like a good idea - "BMW Lite" you might say. Unfortunately, the buying public decided that if they couldn't afford a "REAL" BMW, then why bother?
Two points that have been raised on the Krell. First, it is often cited that the older Krells were a bit more strident sounding than the current (or at least more recent crop), so I'm not sure I'd base my opinion of the KAV-250a on one of the older KSA models. I've never owned one of the older models, so I can't make the comparison, but I don't find the KAV-250a to be harsh. Many of the reviews I read on it also commented on how it didn't share some of the harsh characteristics of earlier Krell amps.

Second, the KAV-250a isn't that new a product, at least for Krell (who seems to specialize in rolling their product line every 2-3 years). I think the reason it's being discontinued is because they've come out with upgraded versions of both the 2-channel and 3-channel 250 w/ch amps that also have the new cosmetics. I believe it's been a very successful product for Krell and, as with many other Krell products, good prices are to be had with the model rollover. I agree that it won't help with the used prices, but if you're buying and take it into account, a Krell will definitely retain a fair amount of value over time.

I agree with Angela that the Krell is an excellent choice if you like rock music - I listen to a lot of rock music and watch a lot of movies, both of which naturally have a lot of in-your-face sound to them. I listen to a lot of jazz and vocals as well, and I think it does a great job with them as well, but I haven't compared a bunch of amps so I may really be missing out. I'm sure that at $2K, there's a LOT to choose from and many models that would be excellent choices. I also don't know how difficult a load the Mirages are - the Dynaudios really like their current which is one of Krell's major strong points. -Kirk

There always seems to be a lot of "Krell bashers" out there...I just bought a KAV 250a that sounds great with
my BAT pre-amp and really brings out the best in my Hales,
which seem to really like all the power. Great bass and
doesn't sound harsh. I listen to a lot of different
music, but so far, I'm happy with the Krell. I'll now 'fess
up and say that I do have my Krell listed for sale, but only
because I've listed about everything I own at one time or
another! If your speakers like power, the Krell might be
the ticket. I've always wanted to try a BAT amp, but can't
bring myself to pay the going rate for a nice used one!
At what the used 250a's are selling for, they're a bargain
for 250 watts of Krell power!
Check the warranty on the Krell KAV. I've seen Krell dealers state in their recent KAV ads that the "5 year transferrable Krell KAV Series Warranty" was eliminated in January of 2001, unless you buy from an authorized dealer. The rumor here in Phoenix is this happened because of so many internet sales..
The Bryston has a 20 year warranty, and they sell based on their reputation, I'd go with the 4BST.
I've heard the KAV 250a, it sounds good too, but the warranty question is very important to me, 20 years makes the Bryston much easier to sell, now & later.
