Krell / Mcintosh / Pass For Dynaudios

Hi all,

No way of comparing these next to one another. looking at posibly up grading my amps to make my C5 sing there hearts out. Basically looking at Mcintosh (MC402 or MC501), Krell (no idea of model - sugestions appreciated) or Pass X250.5.

Are the Mcintosh class A?

Will purchase second hand which ever way I go.

I've had some great McIntosh auditions lately... The MC402 + C2300 heard at Audio Lab, Harvard Square MA, made the Gallo 3.1 that I recently bought (still being delieverd, can't wait) come alive with amazing authority, dynamics and control. Very musical sound, and I really wish I had the $13k or so to afford the pair.

I haven't the new pass .5 series, but I think the McIntosh would match really well with Dynaudio. I used to own the S1.4s, so I'm pretty familliar with the Dyns. the response!

What about a Plinius Ref amp....never heard them but I can get them here (Australia) alot easier than Pass and Mcintosh. By all accountsd they mate well with the Dynaudios.

Well I don't know about Pass and Mac sstate but in my humble opinion regardless of preconcieved ideas lurking around here I think that the latest Krell EVO gear is outstanding. Very smooth and transparent with excellent musicality. I strongly prefer my Krell EVO 302 amp(list $10500) to the Dart amp now priced somewhere over 20k. I owned the Dart for about a year and I find that it exceeds the Krell in no area that I can find. Also had the Mac MC275. Simply not in the same league. As always your MMV. Until you've heard the latest Krell in your home you shouldn't comment.

Go with the 501's and never look back... I'm driving my Special 25's with the MC402 and it's a great combo at all sound levels.
You want your C5's to sing.

Atma-Sphere's MA-1 and M60s are a very good match with Dynaudio speakers.

4425 perhaps the extra watts per channel is what your speakers needed using the Krell 302 at 300 wpc into 8 ohms.
People are fools to buy Dartzeel when they could have a Krell 302 for less then half the price....