Krell Service

Love to hear turn around times you have recently experienced at the Krell factory service dept.
I've had two experiences with Krell service and both have been positive. The first was when I bought a 400xi integrated. Living overseas I asked them to unlock 50Hz and 60Hz and they did it for free before sending my amp to the dealer (SBS, NYC).

My second experience was when my DVD Standard started skipping on DVD's. I bought it used, out of warrany. I inquired about the HDMI upgrade and they said they would change the DVD transport as part of the HDMI upgrade free of charge so I went for it. Sure enough, the unit came back in a new box, with a new transport, and HDMI upgrade. I think it took like 3 weeks for the work to be done.
I've had a Kav 500i in for repair since August 25th. I received an estimate of 4-6 weeks, and then another two weeks tacked on after I followed up. After twelve weeks and two ignored emails, I finally sent an email pleading for an update (I CC'd every addy I could find on the Krell site). Finally got a response that the unit was "on the bench" and they'd get back to me this week.

Still nothing.

Frankly, the time is not the core issue. My request would be this: I would like periodic updates and more realistic estimates. If you make an estimate and then blow it by 200-300%, that's just bad customer service. If you do that and don't communicate that to the customer, it goes a step beyond "bad".

The service guys at Krell are top notch, and I have a healthy respect for them. But their system is seriously broken and needs to be fixed. Currently, I own four Krell pieces; this experience has me seriously reconsidering the composition of my system.
I have had great experience with Krell service. Fast, informative, precise, knowledgeable, fair. First class in every way.
If your preamp is disconnected, does it make the sound? If no, it could be your preamp. It's extremely rare for both amps to fail at the same time.
I don't think so. Maybe they just need a tune up. Why don't you call Krell service?
Yes both amps do this.They are about 10 years old.Is this normal Krell life expectancy?
Do both amps do it Derrick? Could be the power supply caps are going bad or it could be the switch is not muting the sound anymore.
Any idea what would make my Krell fpb350mcx amps make an aweful loud electrical discharge noise as heard through the speakers? This is when I switch to standby from amps being on. Thanks in advance.
I have called Krell several time today but noone is picking up their phones.

VP Rhonda Cadwell did pick up the phone but when I said I was calling from Australia, she put down the phone. I redialed right after but the line was then diverted to voicemail.

I really needed to speak to someone as I need to get an estimate of repairs.

Not good.
I got my cd player back within four days after approving their estimate. It works great and is good as new. Overall, while it took awhile for krell to give me an estimate, I am very satisfied with the quality of the service.
I finally heard back on my cd player and it shouldn't be too long until I get it back - it ended up being around $500 to repair, but now I'll basically have a new cd player since they're replacing a bunch of stuff. The staff at Krell was very courteous and helpful when I called them to pay and answered a lot questions I had on my other krell stuff too.
still no word on my cd player, but they are at least nice whenever I ask. I just hope it doesn't end up being too expensive.
I sent my 20i in for service about 8 weeks ago for a dysfunctional lid. The lid
was getting jammed periodically for quite some time, but would eventually
open until it finally would not open at all. It took 3-4 weeks for it to be looked
at and then serviced. Everyone I spoke to was very courteous and heplful; that
would be Steve, Rhonda and LuAnn. I learned that the staff was cut back by
50 % and thus very heavy delays in servicing. When I received the unit, the lid
worked fine but there was no readout and the disc wouldn't play. I immediately
called and was told to return it and it would receive priority attention. I spoke to
Walt upon its' return and he believed the unit had been dropped with Fedex
being the culprit. I needed a new laser. It had to be ordered from France. After
almost 2 weeks, and still no laser, Walt took it upon himself to have a laser
from a new unit installed....I didn't ask, but I guess he was referring to the
505. Walt also was going to send the 20i back in a brand new double box.
All of this was free of charge including the shipping (of course I had paid for
the original repair on the lid). Try getting this type of treatment from Levin-
son! The unit arrived safe and sound yesterday (the boxes and packaging
weighing in at about 17 pounds). The 20i still sounds great and I tip my hat
to Walt and his staff.
I forgot to mention that my first repair took 4 weeks and a susequent repair (new drive had cracked a gear)took 3 weeks...but it was worth the wait. Remember, it takes a week for them to get a unit and process it plus a week for return.
I was originally told 3-4 weeks for my KRC HR repair. It then became 6-7 weeks, and eventually took 14 weeks. Patrick Bresnehan told me his best days now are worse than his worst days 3 years ago. I advised him to look for a new job. 3 weeks later when I tried to contact him about my pre amp I was told he left the company. I am so angry that I am selling of all my Krell gear. This is not the first time I have had a bad experience with Krell service.
Don't be afraid to follow up with Walter periodicaly. Sometimes a mention of how much you appreciate their time and effort helps as well. My experience has been exceptional so far.
I sent my KAV 300cd in for repair about 10 days ago - they said it would be a few weeks before I even hear anything about a repair estimate. They have been very nice when I've contacted them, though.
I have just sent my SACD standard back for repair. I will let you know how it goes. My experience with Krell so far has been excellent, so I expect a quality and prompt repair job! If for any reason they are delayed, I'm sure it is under extraordinary circumstances. Arbuckle, was your unit under warranty? Are you original owner from an authorized dealer? That could dictate the pecking order for your repair work.

My KAV280CD has been at Krell for 8 WEEKS!! Still they have not even looked at it and when I respond to the emails for updates I get snotty remarks back. This is an all-time low.....perhaps it does not surpass the all-time low of Audible Illusions, but this is darn close!
update from bobf-
Got my krell kps 20i back on friday.
final time spent in shop 6 weeks and would have been much longer if i did not make a stink and if Steve L. didn't take charge and get things done.why isn't Steve running things there is my question?Now that it's back and has all new displays along with other recent part changes it's time to part ways with it.
Krell KPS 20i for sale !!!!
I was told I would get my amp back in three maybe four weeks. It has been a month now and Patrick told me they have not had time to even look at it yet. I can see from this board that I am not alone when it comes to poor communication and poor service. That is not going to bode well for their future unless something gets turned abound soon.

Obviously they have problems right now. Perhaps if they got their heads out of the clouds and started selling equipment that is not $30,000 their sales would pick up. I mean what is DD thinking about?
I heard from Krell last Friday after 4 weeks of sending my failing SACD Standard and I'm getting a new version 3 for a pretty $$$ to upgrade. It will take a month and 1/2 for it to come in since it's back ordered. I found out they are under staffed at the moment.
Ok, my KAV280cd has now been there since December 27th. I have still not been given a time when they can even look at it. That is coming up on 7 WEEKS with no answer!!!!! Woohooo, boy am I glad I bought a Krell!! What service....
looks like my KPS 20i will be ready in a few days.
It's unfortunate that someone has to ruffle some feathers to get something done at krell these days.
the latest i've heard is that future turn-around time is up to 8-10 weeks.It use to be 2-3 weeks.
Hey Dan hire some techs or make the new stuff a little better so your service dept. is not so bogged down.
My thanks to Steve at krell though as he gets things done right.
Had my Krell KAV-250a in for repair since the left output blew. Took them one week from the time I dropped it off to the local store to the time it was back again for me to pick up. So turnaround time was very good.

Not only did they repair the amp, but they also upgraded the output board (heard the difference from before and after, but have no clue what they actually did...). That is excellent customer service!
It only takes a minute or so for an email or phone call.

In a big company such as Krell, no excuse is acceptable for not responding within 24 hours.

Shame on them.
I had a Krell KSA Amp fixed by Krell a few years back.
It came back in about a month and half.

However, they charged me quite a bit ($400) + shipping for a new box stapped to a pallet, and didnt return the original box.
It was just a basic box, with no markings.
The total bill was half box , pallet, and shipping the other half repair costs.
I have a mint Krell KPS 20i sitting there for about the same amount of time as the member above.It appears it will be at least a few more weeks before they get tolook at the unit.
The unit is there to have 2 (new)displays installed.
The unit was working perfectly it was just time to change the displays as they do fade out over time.

I'm experiencing a problem with the Manager (Patrick) he does not return calls.I mean come on just call me back and let me know.I shouldn't have to take time out everyday and chase him around for answers.
If you're behind due to problems with staffing that is one thing,but running away from the problem and not letting people know that's just not professional.
I could not get way with anything like that in my profession.
The service dept is indeed only half of what is was before.
Sales may be down but service request are not.
I don't know why a company would layoff service techs when the company has the same work load.
This won't help sales either in my opinion.
If I' own a Krell unit and have to wait this long for service don't you think it will have an effect on whether or not I buy a new Krell again next time.The best way to get new sales is to keep your existing Krell customers happy.Lose them and you are in trouble.
On a positive note
Thank god Steve L is there,unfortunately he is the only one on the ball and can't do everything himself.
I was also told by the Krell vice president(Rhonda Caldwell) that the company has reduced it's work force by nearly 1/3 due to the lack of sales and that she too is very frustrated with things at Krell.
I could not believe she was telling me all of this ,it may have been due to the fact that I spent over 35 minutes bouncing from extension to extension trying to get someone to actually pick up their phone and was very frustrated once I got a chance to speak to someone.

I hate to say it but they've lost me as a customer.
I plan on selling my unit when I get it back.
Anyone interested in a mint Krell KPS 20I (new transport and digital board installed last year)?
New displys hopefully installed soon.

cd player has been there 4 weeks -still haven't gotten the initial e-mail from them and just found out it's going to be another 4 weeks.
there service dept has been cut in half and the biggest problem is the service dept manager (patrick)
he does even return calls
I find it humorous when someone states that 3-week turn around to repair a CD player is something to be happy about. My MF cdp was fixed in 3 days, and let me assure you that anything longer than a week would be unacceptable!
All things being equal, that's the reason why I stick with Musical Fidelity for my front end.
I sent my SACD player for repair,and it was returned to me in less than three weeks,and the repair was done under warranty.
The other times that I have had other Krell equipment repaired,it was done in a very timely manner,and done well.
I consider Krell to be very good.

You are one of the lucky ones. I dont question the friendliness of the staff, they are friendly. We are just going on 5 weeks now since they had my player and the only response I have is....they can't tell me when they can even look at it for evaluation.

So now I have been without music for 5 weeks, who knows when they will look at it (will it be months or weeks??). If you call this great service I would hate to see bad service in your book.
Togo, sometimes Krell gets busy and takes a long time to respond. I'm waiting on a Krell CDP to be replaced. It's been two weeks with no real reply.

Other times I had with them have been a pleasure. I think they maybe short staffed now.

Anyone else know anything?
Sent a DT-10 transport in. The response was about 2 weeks but try to do better. That is a reasonable amount of time for me to wait. I was able to talk to the service dept. supervisor a few times. Very friendly and helpful. The transport came back working like new. Krell has among the best follow-through and cusomer service that I've dealt with in any business. Today most companies wont pick up the phone much less return calls. I dont believe that you will ever see this happen with Krell. A very good experience and I intend to be a Krell customer for many years.
I just sent a cd player in for service. They have had it for almost two weeks, given that was over New Year's, but their latest response is it will be another 2-3 weeks to get a response on what is the problem and what the cost will be. I am not happy with this kind of service from a hi-end manufacturer.
I live in the area. Those guys are great. they let me drop off my amp in the morning, then jump back on the highway for work. The amp has been in for service twice and always it was back in a week/ten days, repaired under warranty, then shipped at their cost. One time I picked the amp up and they helped me load it in the wagon and away I went. They could not be nicer. And I just picked up a new EVO 402 with the trade in program and the sound is unlike any previous Krell amp. It sure was a VERY BIG upgrade from the previous amp, a 400cx.
Perhaps you are correct about Dan Agostino!I never met or talked to him,so I can't confirm your findings.I got an
md-1 and sbp-64x and I called and talked to Patrick and he was very helpful and nice on the phone.He left a few phone messages at my place,while at work too.I can't argue with the other guys regarding Patrick at least.
I am sorry to hear your problems with Krel or VTL.One company that delivers in spades is Rogue and Mark O'Brien
the owner.I own their amps and every time I called I was treated super nice.I also had a positive experience with ARC,regarding a repair and retubing on my Dac-3.
I find it comical that you pay top dollar for Krell, and when you call you get snobby attitude (Jim Ludivichino) and slow service. Probably trickles down from the owner DD who is not quite the nicest guy in town...Paaaaaaaalease. To pay Krell prices the service should be superb. I am finding this to be a problem with VTL too, although they aren't nearly as big as Krell. Go figure, they all overcharge and under deliver.

Maybe thats why our hobby is so uninteresting to most people. a shame
I have had to send my KCT pre-amp back for repairs and my KPS-28c several months later. I wish they never needed repairs, but they did. The service department fixed them for me and so I am happy. Maybe they could have done it faster, or paid for my shipping costs, but still I am happy that they are working perfect now.
Service manager said 2 weeks or less. Simple fix 4 weeks. Not acceptable. If i pulled something like that where I work id be out the door. Krell does good work as they should.Ive spent upwards of 20K there. People there are very professional.
I have several horror stories as well.When i think of audio research, I think of 2000 service bills for tube amps.
Had an FPB 200c upgraded to 300 cx and it was done right and in time frame promised. Have had the amp for 5 years and never a day of trouble. Krells are built the way Mercedes used to build cars.

Hiend2, I understand your feeling but yours is nothing to compare with mine. Here it is, let "me" cry my heart out: Bought SP16l & 4bsst brand new in the box. Less than a week, there are POP, tacks,Buzz...I went thru hell with local dealer and Bryston and after a lot of unfriendly exchange, Bryston send me a brand new replacement. ARC send the Sp16l back with NPF since the DC leakage is within their spec. I ended up have to trade the SP16l for a brand new pair of speakers of lesser value at local dealer. While most of ARC, Bryston fans highly praised their customer service but I simply have to disagree. So, be happy that the only expense from your part is "time" not the hard earn money.
Hiend2, time is really a small price you have to pay and your unit will come back better than new. Krell service is top notch. Does it really matter how long it takes to get the unit back. My only concern would be that it is fixed right the first time. No need to stress. I'm happy that I can afford Krell.
I was wondering if the people with positive responses list if the equipment is under warrantee or what.
The more i think about a 1 month turnaround time for a plug-in slowstart board really eats me up. Patrick is the service manager a smooth talker.
Excellent service some of the best I ever had. Takes a few days longer but unit came back newer than sent. They even cleaned up a CD player and brought it up to spec for free and it was 1 1/2 years out of warrenty. Nice guys!