Laid Back Speakers amps, players etc

I've heard this term so many times, usually describing a speaker but I can't seem to understand what it actually means. I've heard so many equipment in this hobby the last 8 years but I have never heard something that I could describe as "Laid Back".
I would be very interested to know your definition of this term...
Hey Atmasphere, I agree with the phrase you wrote.

"""Hmmmm, I equate 'laid back' with 'relaxed', 'easy', 'non-fatiguing'..."""

I would agree as well that it has nothing to do with speed.
Though Dynamics...yes. IMO.

For me, I was just using the actual general definition of the term "laid back" as it pertains to speaker presentation.
It does not draw attention too itself, the speaker does not highlight(is that the term, with respect to color?) anything. The presentation is recessed, where yes, you always feel you can turn the volume up.

I think we are in agreement over the term, we are just using different examples of words.... I think :0)

I think some Transistor Amps can be defined as "laid back"
Ayre comes to mind that I have heard.
Agree with Atmashere's description. Dark and laid back are two different things.
We do NOT have a consensus on the meaning.

I did not infer any tonal qualities at all. Although there probably is a relation between the presentation of the soundstage and frequency, harmonics, and many other factors, I have yet to isolate the common ground among the systems I would consider to have a "laid back" soundstage. Dipoles seem to be a good start though.

Even what could be labelled "character" is beyond my intent. I would not use the terms, "easy-going" or "relaxed" in the same way as "laid back" in describing audio. Perhaps, I put too much emphasis on "laid BACK" in trying to find the antonym of "forward".
are all speakers laid back ? if not, then, either those which are laid back are colored in the respect to which the definition applies, or, those which are not laid back are colored.

the problem i have with this term is the relation between recorded music and speaker presentation. if a speaker has a consistent character, while all recordings do not, it would seem that the speaker is colored in a certain respect.

thus, i would say that laid back is a coloration.

if someone suggests that having a relaxed presentation is the meaning of laid back, it too is a coloration, since all recordings are varied in this respect.

regardless of how the term laid back is defined, its consitency implies a coloration in speaker performance.

let the chips fall.......
Hello Ngjockey -

So, I have always used that term as non agressive, not highlighting any frequency band, and yes, at times a presentation that was behind the plane of the speakers. In essence similiar to the meaning I always took for "laid back" in any description... within reason. Not neccessarily always in a physical sense but also by personality.

Dipoles - Nola comes to mind... I have heard the Viper 1 and 2, so yep... I see your point.
I guess I keep thinking of my Spendors, they are definitely "laid back, polite, non aggressive, a bit thick in the middle".


By the way on a side note do you have any experience with the Nola Viper 1a?