Leave the turntable running?

Hello all, I am brand new to the world of vinyl - just bought a Rega RP1 and Brio-R on Friday. In the RP1 'Hints, Tips and Upgrades' sheet, it states:

'Leave the turntable running during a record playing session. Switch on before the session and only switch off after you have finished. This will increase the life of the motor and drive belt.'

Does this mean leaving the platter turning while 'flipping' and/or taking an LP on/off the table???

Thanks in advance for any advice/clarification!
I use an outer ring and center weight. No way am I removing the outer ring while the platter is spinning. I use the off option for flips and sleep very well at night...table: Clearaudio Innovation Compact. :-)
We now have the devisive camps of "Leave it spin" and "Stop and start every time" clearly marking the lines in the sand.
The battle commences...
I like the made up arguements of why one should stop it each time.. "The record may get scuffed.."
I have pulled thousands of LPs off with the platter moving and I guarantee, the Lp does NOT get scuffed unless you drop it!(Or you keep your platter/LP interface covered in coarse sand for some reason?)
On the other side, I can see where a ring weight would require stopping the platter to place!
Of the three TTs I own, two I just leave running, per the makers suggestions, the third, a semiauto, shuts ITSELF off every end of LP, so no choice there, It also has auto drop, and takes a few seconds to get going and drop. (Allows one to get seated, before the Lp starts... Dual Golden One TT)
sadly it is not a 'made up argument' that records can get scuffed when being removed from a spinning platter. It might not have happened to you, but happen it does. Common sense would indicate this can happen when you remove soft vinyl from a fast moving and often hard platter.Come to think of it, this might happen mainly when using a platter with no mat, but it does happen...I have the slightly scuffed recordsd to prove it..so do various friends.
Why would someone using a ring or screw on clamp even need to comment on this? The person just asked for clarification as to what his dealer was telling him about his Rega and some of you insist on making it a "right/wrong" issue that everyone must follow.