Leben CS600 or ARC VSi60 with Harbeth Compact 7's

I'm looking for an tube integrated amp to drive a pair of Compact 7ES-3 speakers. These are both on my short list. Has anyone tried either of them with Harbeths - any thoughts at all?


Would you be able to articulate the sonic differences between the NCSE and the CS300? I am trying to decide myself between the LFD NCSE and the Leben CS600 for my Compact 7ES-3 speakers. Hopefully this would be instructive for all (as I am not intending to hijack the thread). Thanks
My stereo room is 12 x 17. The NCSE has a bit more grunt to it than the smaller Leben. Both the Leben and LFD are similar in being smooth and balanced sounding across the audio spectrum. That is what attracted me most to the Leben and the NCSE, smooth and balanced while capturing and resolving nuances within a recording. In the past three years I had three tube integrated amplifiers (Jolida 502, Rouge Cronus, and the Leben) with the Leben being my favorite of the three). The NCSE was my attempt to simplify things while retaining most of what I liked in the better integrated's I heard be they tube or SS. The LFD Zero Mk III (I owned one too) was a vivacious, entrancing amp, but lacked the refinement of the NCSE.
I just got an Ayon Spirit lll to use with Proac D2, I'd certainly add the Ayon to your list.
First I think you should ask yourself which mfg.would be more dependable,and most likely to stand behind their product,which has the best overall reputation etc. then I'd get my hands on the vsi60 and the Leben,and compare them side by side with the Harbeths or ANY speaker for that matter.Comments from people about their personal opions about any particular amp are just that,opinions.
To the OP,
Some good, and funny, responses, as usual.
Both are great.
To the lfd added posters, you could compare how the music is presented between the lfd and cs600 or vsi60....the sweet lil leben300, while musically great, can't compare power wise to the others, and IMHO is not a good match with c7's, unless you listen at very low volume. Very low.
Good luck!