Led Zeppelin Mothership

I just got Mothership on LP. After loving the re-release of the Song Remains the Same I am a bit disappointed.

While Jimmy Page has done a good job at removing the sibilance, and over-saturation of the treble on the Classic Records versions of Zep I and II, he has also removed the excitement. The "Oh my God I feel like I am in the studio with Zeppelin" feeling has been replaced with a dull but clean sound. By mixing it so that no one instrument stands out over the other he has taken all of the "fun" out of the music.

Oddly enough he did a better job with the cd version. It sounds more analog then any of the prior Zep cd's. While it doesn't sound as good as the lp version, or the classic records albums, it is some of the best digital rock I have heard.
Sorry didn't mean to confuse you about the CD and the lp.

The cd sounds better than all of the previous zep cd's. So compared to them it sounds better. However the cd doesn't sound as good as the vinyl version.

Now the vinyl remixes don't sound as good as the classic record versions because the new releases are smoothed out.

Make sense.
the new mothership vinyl and cd releases are great. the classic records releases are not as good as the originals, but decent
well, i suppose - it´s the best cd version heard, but still not as good as vinyl version. just a compliment to cd. still waiting for mine to arrive, but have good feeling about it.

Wow couldn't disagree with you more about the vinyl. I do agree with the cd though.

There are somethings about the vinyl that are better than the classic records like better detail. There are things on there that I never heard before but they just smoothed it out too much for my taste. The highs are rolled off. It reminds me of when I used to own all CJ gear. Sure CJ paints a beautiful sonic picture but it's just boring.
Another money grab. Jimmy Page is a marketing genius. When will it end?

I'm waiting for the "Collector's Edition" which will be available in limited numbered quantities soon. Let's say about 3 million copies.

But you'll get a free poster.