Legacy focus 20 20 speakers

I am thinking of buying a pair of the Legacy focus 20 20 speakers. I have heard many great reviews of them but also some that are so bad its given me pause to go ahead with the purchase. Some have critisized them as having poor build quality, (internaly) unmatched drivers, and muddy boomy bass. Has anyone had any experiance with these speakers that may help with my decision. Are the newer models the same as the older ones, or have they been changed in some way. thanks
The quatro is surprisingly close to the 5A for alot less cash, and tho the Wood Quatro is closer to the 5A than the Quatro sock version it comes at a large premium price increase. My father auditioned the Sock version but bought the Wood and has decided not to upgrade to the 5A, he has the money but the are so closein performance it simply isnt enough of an issue to jump into the 5A.
Douglas, I read the second half of your review of the focus HD. You are obviously quite impressed with it. I intended to audition a pair but when I called ahead of time they informed me that they had sold their display pair. Would be getting a new pair on friday. (2/8/08) Was wondering, do these speakers need to be broken in for any length of time before they reach their potential? Or do they sound reasonably well out of the box?
Gheoper, You beat me to it; I was going to announce the second half of the article. I guess I did like them, didn't I? :)

Don't worry over the break in; you'll know if you like their sound or not when you hear them. I wouldn't make any purchase of a component based on hopes that it will sound better after break in. You need to know you love its sound as is, even if it never improved. Any break in would be bonus.
Douglas...A thousand people could tell me they were impressed with these speakers. But not knowing who they where, it wouldn't mean a thing. You on the other hand have owned and listened to systems that I could probably only dream of having. You giving them a thumbs up is pretty encouraging. "A bass lovers dream" you said. I am definitly one of those. When I listen to some music, I can sense that it's intention's are to be so huge and powerfull, that if you could put it on a scale, it would weigh in as much as the worlds oceans or mountains. But with my system, it gets trimed down to something more on the order of a fish pond, or hillside at best.
Ghoeper, I'm flattered at your compliment. (To the community: Seriously, I'm not paying this guy to say these things!) :)

Frankly, I haven't heard a speaker yet which has 8" bass drivers or less which has, as you so aptly put it, weighed as much as the world's oceans or mountains. While there are certainly other speakers which can do so more than the HD's, I've not seen many in this price range that do so. I certainly don't think the Focus HD's are fish pond or hillside quality.

Ever been to Lake Louise, Alberta? I have (I'm not Canadian; my wife is - er, was - she's a U.S. citizen now. Ironically, the day we went downtown to have her sworn in after she went through the long and somewhat expensive process of obtaining U.S. citizenship there were thousands of illegal aliens in the streets protesting, demanding they be excused from the law and granted citizen status. Needless to say, it left a very bitter feeling in our minds - not toward any specific individuals, but to the mentality that says, "We can defy the laws of a land, then turn around and demand we get all the benefits of citizenship.").

Anyway, Lake Louise is stunningly beautiful; a hanging glacier looks over a world class mountain lake, the sky mirrored in it's crystal clear surface. One can take in the beauty for hours. Can a speaker create an emotionally equivalent feeling of experiencing something of tremendous beauty in the sonic realm? If it can, it's a winner!

Re: Bass, this is a speaker which I have not felt the need to be benefited by supplementing with subwoofers. No doubt, it could be, IF the subs were extremely LF (as in significantly below 20Hz), and extremely high quality. The vast majority of even decent subs would actually muddy the performance.