Legal & Ethical Questions in the PC Audio Age

I haven't ripped my entire CD collection yet, but I probably will in the near future. And I'll continue to buy CDs until I can download them in Redbook or better quality. I'm wondering about the legal and ethical implications of disposing of physical CDs once I've ripped them.

(I appreciate the value of keeping them around for archival purposes, but let's suppose that I'll want to get rid of some of them.)
Ag insider logo xs@2xdrubin
Again, it's not a big deal in the scheme of things.

But that's what we're talking about in this thread, and besides, to sorta quote Springsteen, 'from small things, big things come.'
Let me give this thread a bump. The topic must surely be heating up. Can anyone point me to authoritative writings on the subject?
Thanks,now I'm stressed out to the max worrying about if I'm going to prison for copying a cd!!Jeez,where's my prozac?
Drubin, thanks for your bump on this thread. I've enjoyed the parts that I've read thus far.