Life without a remote

I am considering a pre-amp that has no remote. As I sit here listening to music, I have adjusted the volume multiple times in just the last few minutes. I adjust so I can pretend I'm listening to my wife when she tries to talk to me. I adjust for different songs. I adjust in the middle of a song. I tweak to get just the right level from my listening spot.

So for those of you that don't have a remote or don't use one - how do you do it? Is there an adjustment period? Is listening more enjoyable because you can't easily play with the volume?
Well the last couple of days I have been experimenting to find exactly what life would be without a remote. It was more difficult at first as I would automatically turn for the remote much more often than I realized. After I got used to not having a volume control at my side I became much more attentive when setting the sound level when I dropped the needle. Of particular note I found that during quiet passages I wanted to really turn up the volume only to turn it down when the music got loud again. As has been pointed out, I was effectively defeating part of what was being conveyed.

I believe the toughest part would be dealing with outside factors (family members wanting to say something, phone ringing, etc.).

Thanks again for all of the interesting input.
Life without a remote.. akin to leaving home without cellphone nowadays. While you can certainly 'adjust' to live without it, why deprive from the comfort and convenience of having one?
why deprive from the comfort and convenience of having one?
Bvdiman (Answers)
I recently had a highly regarded, world class preamp in my system to compare with my remote-less Lamm preamp. I much preferred the sound of the Lamm to the other preamp that came with a very convenient remote. So, I chose sound over convenience.
I wouldn't let a remote be the deciding factor in choosing a pre-amp, but they are awfully convenient. I listen to a lot of internet radio and there are wild volume differences between every station. If i only listed to vinyl or CD's the remote wouldn't be so important, but still nice to have.
I live without a remote.

Would I live with one? sure, but my integrated doesn't have that option. The sound is more important so I trade off the remote.

I am very skeptical about claims that a remote 'degrades' sound.