Linn LP-12 still competitive with the very best?

Hi folks, I wonder if the Linn LP-12 is still competitive with the best offerings from Avid, VPI, TW Acoustics, Teres, Galibier and Transrotor. If that is the case, then it's cheaper to go for a LP-12. What are the weak points of the LP-12? Which tt is better: the Thorens TD124 or Linn LP-12?

Dazzdax ,I deed not use the phrase 'Linn sucks' but I will
elaborate my phrase 'tragicomical question'.
I think that the design philosophy of this TT has a solid
basis in the psychology.
1. The premise: There are unbelievable many masogist on the
earth,particulary in the UK.

So they designed this springsystem. I got 17 X hernia
trying to adjust them from beneath but the bell refused
to ring.Possible because I am atheist but still have some
'inexplicable need' to kneel for something or someone
But sometimes one sees the light and in my case it was
the Audiomeca J1.
Nandric, I didn't know H. Pearson was that small, you have to kneel in front of him when talking to him :)
I didn't know either the LP-12 was so difficult to set up :)
Everything will be OK when Linn introduces the LP-12.5 SE :)

I owned a couple of Linns about 15 yrs apart and have had a host of others AR, Thorens, VPI, Oracle, Technics, etc (current is cosmos IV) The one I miss the least is the Linn I never thought it was anything more than a basically competent design that was bested by almost everything else Ive tried.
Perhaps I can offer a slightly different perspective because to my thinking, it all depends if you want a new or used LP12.

As to my background and experience, I am a former (20 year+) owner of a Linn Sondek. Over the years, I dutifully did all of the upgrades and I thoroughly enjoyed the LP12. It's sins are primarily those of omission and the well-documented frequency anomalies never bothered me. However, when it came time for the Keel upgrade, the price gave me pause. After a long search, I sold the Linn and bought a Galibier table.

That said, I believe that a used, recent vintage LP12 is a tremendous value. For example, there is one currently on sale on Audiogon for $1500. Given the huge installed base of Sondek's, I believe the vast majority of users purchase their Linn's used and conversations with my local dealer would seem to support this hypothesis. Additionally, there are many (relatively) inexpensive upgrades to the motor, suspension, arm and cartridge that can significantly improve the sound. In this price range, the LP12 is tough to beat for pure musical enjoyment and if properly cared for, it will last forever. I have no hesitation recommending a used LP12 to anyone looking in this price range.

However...a new fully loaded LP12 with top of the line Linn arm and cartridge is now a greater than $10k investment and there is certainly stiff competition in this price range. If someone is contemplating purchasing a new Linn, I would at least advise them to audition some of the competition.

Hope this helps.
