Linn Majik vs Kairn/LK85

Did someone have any experience with Kairns/LK85 combination or Wakonda/LK 85 relative to Maijik?
Is it critical to have Linn Kairns or Wakonda instead connecting Genki CD-player directly to LK85-amp?

On several occasions I have compared the Kolektor to the Wakonda(which I use) and the Kolector has always sounded rough by comparison - almost as rough as the variable pre-out of the Genki. Has anyone ever looked inside a Kolector? Linn has certainly shortened the signal path there, "as simple as possible"...perhaps a little too simple in this case. The Wakonda is incredibly revealing and smooth by comparison and has the additional benefit of incorporating the Kudos tuner - which I consider a great benefit for the sake of simplicity and fewer boxes.
I used to own a waconda and a Lk285 w/spark-- out board power supply. It was very good for the money. The kairn is a considerable better pre so if you can I would get it. My LK285 and Spark are still at my dealers for sale. Dude they where the best linn had to offer for a long time and will kill anything you are considering now IMHO. Call my dealer they will make you a great deal. The Sound Environment 402-423-3737 ask for Gayle. I sold them and changed to tubes, but the linn is a great set, go for it.
I have a Majek with kudos{radio] with tukans and a karik its the best thing I've ever had , Then this stuff bit me and I went '"active" ,Kollector and lk85's..Litle bit of Volume and it's a new ballgame.........Both are really fine.Good luck.....
Having used a Majik as a preamp for some time, the change to a Wakonda has been a significant upgrade. The Wakonda has a much lower noise floor, less grain, significantly more music!